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"It is shut anyvays, de paper is. Follansbee he youst gif it to me. I tank nobotty open dat telegraft now till Hugo he get it." He tucked the mail-bag and the parcel under one arm and went out, placing the former in a box that was lashed to the toboggan. Then he clicked at his dogs, who began to trot off easily towards the rise of ground at the side of the big lake.

That is, I didn't look for you to come that way not until that feller blew in here to telegraft for a doctor for old Gid. Then I see that it was him that was got done up instead of you. But speakin' of telegraftin', there ain't no word gone out from here as yit about the hoorah not a word."

And Cap'n Nazro he takes the Huntress in, and then goes straightway and sends a telegraft to the lady and gentleman, sayin' as Cap'n January has sailin' orders, and they please to come and take the child, as lawfully to them belongs. And you, Bob, " the old man's steady voice faltered a little, as he laid his hand on the other's arm, "you'll do all you can, well I know.

"'And th' goats and chicks and brickbats and sticks Is joombled all over the face of it, Av Telegraft Hill, Telegraft Hill, Crazy owld, daisy owld Telegraft Hill," I laughed. "I suppose the Spaniards must have had a name for this sightly hill," said the Bostonian, his eye tracing the rugged skyline across the bay, along the Tamalpais Range on the north, and the San Antonio Hills on the east.

If Hill is really trailin' us, maybe he has sent a telegraft message to the sheriff, back in Phoenix. We got to look sharp, Gerald, or we'll be pinched." "That's my motion, Bob," said Burton. "Hanged if this Hill business hasn't got me on the run." "Don't fret," continued Gerald reassuringly. "I've hatched a plot that will take care of Hill, all right." "Plot?" said Burton. "What sort of a plot?"

"It was a trade." "It was a steal!" The Colonel caught sight of Cap'n Sproul on the outskirts of the group. "You cash that check and I'll have you behind bars. I've stopped payment on it." "Did ye telegraft or ride to the bank on a bicycle?" inquired the Cap'n, satirically. He came straight up to the fire, pushing the furious Colonel to one side as he passed him.

And as soon as we get to a telegraft office, we fire the general counsel, Mr. Barkley; don't we, Miss Constance?" The girl nodded grimly. "He's fired," said Tom. "You can take care of that the first thing you do, Mr. Ellsworth. Then you can make out my papers as yardmaster and general boss of the deepot. You can be clerk.

Sure enough, there was the barber, sitting on the cross-piece, and the steer pawing dirt underneath. "'He done made me come a fast heat from de cohner, says the barber. 'I kep' hollerin' "next!" but he ain't pay no 'tention he make it "next" fur me, shuah! Yah, yah, yah! You gents orter seen me start at de bottom, an' slide all de way up disyer telegraft pole!

The porter says they've sent back over the line to telegraft for the section men." "Good Heavens, is there no station here?" "No, ma'am; five miles back. They's one jest across the river, but it might as well be in Africa." "Be quick, please, and then send the conductor to me and the porter too," urged Eleanor, in distress. The porter was the first to arrive.

The man smiled at her, pleasantly, and touched his cap. "Ay tank you're de gal is going ofer to Hugo Ennis," he said, in a deep, pleasant voice. She opened her mouth to answer but the words refused to come. Her mouth felt unaccountably dry she could not swallow. But she nodded her head in assent. "I took de telegraft ofer to his shack," the Swede further informed her, "but Hugo he ain't here yet.