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In one corner was a fiddler, and on the veille, flourished for the occasion with satinettes and fern, sat two centeniers and the prevot, singing an old song in the patois of three parishes. Ranulph looked at the scene lingeringly. Here he was, with mystery and peril to hasten his steps, loitering at the spot where the light of home streamed out upon the roadway.

Rising, she groped her way into the garden, and, without cloak or hat, she ran down the quiet lanes and along the high road to the moorland of Pleinmont, where her little home received her with its homely air of comfort. She crept up to her attic bedroom, and when her father and mother returned home, she would give no account of her sudden disappearance from the veille.

Charlotte Jacques rests her fame on a single work, "La Veille." Mlle. Gignoux has directed her talents to the lyric drama, "La Vision de Jeanne d'Arc" being her most notable work. Hermine Dejazet is another operetta composer. Mme.

Detricand was stanching the blood at his temple with the scarf from his neck. "Get him some cordial, Guida he's wounded!" said de Mauprat. Detricand waved a hand almost impatiently, and dropped upon the veille, swinging a leg backwards and forwards. "It's nothing, I protest nothing whatever, and I'll have no cordial, not a drop. A drink of water a mouthful of that, if I must drink."

Now, in a room full of people, she was standing on a veille flourished with posies of broom and wildflowers, and Philip was there beside her, and he was holding her hand, and they were waiting and waiting for some one who never came.

Barthelemy, himself, the future author of the Nemesis, celebrated in enthusiastic verses the monarchical and religious solemnity; Lamartine, future founder of the Second Republic, published Le Chant du Sucre ou la Veille des Armes; Victor Hugo, the future idol of the democracy, sang his dithyrambic songs. Yet, in this concert of enthusiasm there were some discordant notes.

Garcon Carterette! Instantly Carterette sobered down. No one save Ranulph ever called her Garcon Carterette. Guida used Ranulph's name for Carterette, knowing that it would change the madcap's mood. Carterette, to hide a sudden flush, stooped and slowly put on her slipper. Then she came back to the veille, and sat down again beside Guida, saying as she did so: "Yes, I'm gay as a chaffinch me."

There was a click of the garden-gate, a footstep on the walk, a half- growl from Biribi, and the face of Carterette Mattingley appeared in the kitchen doorway. Seeing Guida seated on the veille, she came in quickly, her dancing dark eyes heralding great news. "Don't get up, ma couzaine," she said, "please no. Sit just there, and I'll sit beside you. Ah, but I have the most wonderfuls!"

Nous achetâmes les nouvelles provisions qui nous étoient nécessaires pour continuer notre voyage; mais, la veille de notre départ, quatre d'entre nous tombèrent malades, et ils retournèrent

"Allez, volez, zephyrs joyeux, Portez mes vœux vers ma patrie, Dites que je veille dans ces lieux, Que je veille dans ces lieux, C'est pour la gloire et pour m'amie. L'Astre de jour r'animera le combat, Demain il faut signaler ma valence; Dans la victoire on trouve le trepas, Mais si je meura an coté de ma lance,