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At the station we have mostly "malades" and "éclopés"; in the trenches the soldiers stand in the bitter cold, and occasionally are moved out by shells falling by chance amongst them. The men who are capable of big things wait and do nothing. If it was not for the wounded how would one stand the life here? A man looks up patiently, dumbly, out of brown eyes, and one is able to go on again.

"Quant a mes pauvres enfants, je suis desole de les savoir malades, mais ta lettre m'encourage a esperer qu'ils sont en bonne voie de convalescence. Tu as du avoir un temps difficile a passer ainsi tout seule: chere petite femme, je crois que si j'y avais ete c'eut ete plus facile pour toi: les enfants de mon ami Pearce sont egalement malades de la scarlatine.

"Mère du Sauveur, priez pour nous!" "Salut des Infirmes, priez pour nous!" Then once more the singing; then the cry, more touching than all: "Seigneur, guérissez nos malades!" "Seigneur, guérissez nos malades!" Then the kindling shout that brought the blood to ten thousand faces: "Hosanna! Hosanna au Fils de David!" "Hosanna!" cried the priest, rising from his knees with arms flung wide.

'Vous savez les malades see never visitors, she replied with a startled sort of tartness, and a momentary energy. 'Besides, I cannot converse; je sens de temps en temps des douleurs de tête of head, and of the ear, the right ear, it is parfois agony absolutely, and now it is here. And she winced and moaned, with her eyes closed and her hand pressed to the organ affected.

"Je ne connais pas personnellement M. Heger, mais je sais qu'il est peu de caracteres aussi nobles, aussi admirables que le sien. Il est un des membres les plus zeles de cette Societe de S. Vincent de Paul dont je t'ai deja parle, et ne se contente pas de servir les pauvres et les malades, mais leur consacre encore les soirees.

Karlovicz says, with some exaggeration: "In his letters to his family, Chopin, as if he wished to avoid pronouncing the name of George Sand, always calls her 'My hostess, sometimes even employing, strange to say, the plural, for instance, 'Elles si chères, elles rirent pour tous, or, 'Here the vigil is sad, because les malades do not wish a doctor."

It is, at least, more humane than the slow, lingering process of exclusion, disappointment, and degradation, by which their hearts are worn out under more specious forms of tyranny; and that talent of despatch which Moliere attributes to one of his physicians is no ordinary merit in a practitioner like Cromwell: "C'est un homme expeditif, qui aime a depecher ses malades; et quand on a mourir, cela se fait avec lui le plus vite du monde."

He was besotted by the spell of the one he called friend laid upon him, and by the vices in which he had been taught to wallow. His brain was clouded and his eyes were dim, as the brains and eyes of the malades imaginaires who carry on the scheme of sin and sorrow in the world, and prolong by their deeds the long travail of their race. Julian did not understand.

It does not say, e.g., "Here is a case of genuine, unmistakeable rheumatism or consumption, but faith is able to dispel it"; on the contrary, it says, "This alleged rheumatism or consumption is a mere illusion, a phantasm of the imagination; and the way to be cured is for the 'patient' to discover his mistake. There are no maladies there are only malades imaginaires." Mrs.

Over the first door are the words, "Hopital des Foux," over the second, "Hopital des Malades," and over the third, "Hopital des Gueux."