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"Allez, volez, zephyrs joyeux, Portez mes vœux vers ma patrie, Dites que je veille dans ces lieux, Que je veille dans ces lieux, C'est pour la gloire et pour m'amie. L'Astre de jour r'animera le combat, Demain il faut signaler ma valence; Dans la victoire on trouve le trepas, Mais si je meura an coté de ma lance,

It is a song which the winnowers are supposed to sing as they winnow the corn, and they invoke the winds to lie lightly on the grain. A vous trouppe legere Qui d'aile passagere Par le monde volez, Et d'un sifflant murmure L'ombrageuse verdure Doulcement esbranlez.

Volez encore, zephyrs joyeux, Portez mes regrets vers ma patrie, Dites que je meurs dans ces lieux, Que je meurs dans ces lieux, C'est pour la gloire et pour m'amie."

No, I thank you, my dear Edda, I agree with who was it who said, "Volez moi, mais sans m'ennuyer." The Rectory likewise had hoped for Gregorio's dismissal, and there were grave looks when Alice had to confess that nothing would move her husband against him.

Colonel John Jacob Astor and Lieutenant Miloy, accompanied by Interpreter Maestro, were in charge of the Spanish prisoners. These consisted of Lieutenants Amelio Volez and Aurelius, a German, who were captured at El Caney, and Lieutenant Adolfo Aries and fourteen non-commissioned officers and privates. Lieutenant Aries and a number of the men were wounded in the fight at El Caney.