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This document is undated; but internal evidence makes it probable that it is the list which was sent with this letter to the Audiencia, with which we have accordingly placed it, transferring the other list to a later date, 1571. Legazpi's Relation . The original MS. is in the Museo-Biblioteca de Ultramar, Madrid; pressmark, "170-20-3a, caja no. 22."

Nevertheless, on the very day when the treaty of Paris was signed and the last of the Spanish colonies de ultramar were lost for ever, that day a Spanish nation was born again on the disturbed foundations of the old.

Translated and synopsized, by James A. Robertson, from Col. doc. inéd., as follows: Ultramar, ii, part i, pp. 1-94; Amér. y Oceania, pp. 117-209, and xiv, pp. 151-165. The Expedition of Ruy Lopez de Villalobos 1541-46 The documents thus abstracted are to be found in Col. doc. inéd. Ultramar, ii, part 1, pp. 1-94; and in Col. doc. inéd. Jalisco, March 28, 1541.

From 1850 to 1864, for the first time in the island's history, there happened to be a surplus revenue. The authorities wasted it in an attempt to reannex Santo Domingo and in contributions toward the expenses of the war in Morocco. The balance was used by the Spanish Minister of Ultramar, the Government being of opinion that surpluses in colonial treasuries were a source of danger.

He was accused of subscribing to El Correo de Ultramar, and to newspapers from Madrid, of having sent you to Germany, of having in his possession letters and a photograph of a priest who had been legally executed, and I don't know what not. Everything served as an accusation, even the fact that he, a descendant of Peninsulars, wore a camisa.

Résumé of contemporaneous documents. These documents, covering the period 1559-69, are also synopsized from Doc. inéd. Ultramar, ii, pp. 94-475, and iii, pp. v-225, 244-370, 427-463. Warrant for establishment of Augustinian Mission . The original of this document was found among the archives of the Augustinian convent at Culhuacan, Mexico.

The Minister of Ultramar in Madrid recognized the gravity of the situation, and it is said that the lamentations of the people of Puerto Rico found an echo even at the foot of the throne. And there they died.

Preface Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. Dr. Antonio de Morga; Mexico, 1609 Weapons of the Moros; photograph of weapons in the Museo-Biblioteca de Ultramar, Madrid "Incola ex Insulis Moluco," from Voyage ofte Schipvaert, by Jan Huygen van Linschoten; from original in Boston Public Library Map of the Philippine Islands, showing province of the Order of the Hermits of St.

Ultramar, tomos ii and iii, entitled De las Islas Filipinas. Concerning these documents the following interesting statements are taken from the editorial matter in tomo ii. Copious extracts are given from the more important of these documents, while a few are used merely as note-material for others. Valladolid, September 24, 1559.

He was accused of being a subscriber to 'El Correo del Ultramar' and to Madrid newspapers, of having sent you to Germany, of having in his possession incriminating papers and pictures, and well, I don't know what not. He was even attacked because, although he was the descendant of Spaniards, he wore the dress of the natives.