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Translated and synopsized, by James A. Robertson, from Col. doc. inéd., as follows: Ultramar, ii, part i, pp. 1-94; Amér. y Oceania, pp. 117-209, and xiv, pp. 151-165. The Expedition of Ruy Lopez de Villalobos 1541-46 The documents thus abstracted are to be found in Col. doc. inéd. Ultramar, ii, part 1, pp. 1-94; and in Col. doc. inéd. Jalisco, March 28, 1541.

These documents are dated in 1527-28, and are published by Navarrete, ut supra, pp. 440-486. Expedition of Ruy Lopez de Villalobos Résumé of contemporaneous documents. These documents, also synopsized, for the period 1541-48, are obtained from Doc. inéd., as follows: Ultramar, ii, part i, pp. 1-94; Amér. y Oceania, v, pp. 117-209, and xiv, pp. 151-165. Expedition of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi