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This document is undated; but internal evidence makes it probable that it is the list which was sent with this letter to the Audiencia, with which we have accordingly placed it, transferring the other list to a later date, 1571. Legazpi's Relation . The original MS. is in the Museo-Biblioteca de Ultramar, Madrid; pressmark, "170-20-3a, caja no. 22."

The original MS. is also in Sevilla; pressmark, "Simancas Filipinas; descubrimientos, descripciones y gobierno de Filipinas; est. 1, caj. 1, leg. 1, 23." It was published, ut supra, pp. 357-359. There are two copies in the Archivo, one of which is incorrectly endorsed "1569."

Pedro de Aragon was Duns Scotus Professor of Theology at Salamanca, a former pupil of Luis de Leon's and a great admirer of his. Luis de Leon was mistaken in supposing that Bañez had deposed against him at Valladolid. D. Carlos Álvarez Guijarro. Luis de León: estudio biográfico, pp. 239-240. The pressmark of this autograph letter in the British Museum is Add.

The original MS. is in the Archivo de Indias; pressmark, "Simancas Filipinas; descub. descrip. y pob. Filipinas, años 1537 á 1565; est. 1, caj. i, leg. 1, 24, no. 24."

At present, we are unable to give further information concerning the document. It has been published in Doc. ined. Ultramar, i i, pp. 351-355. The data for the preceding document apply to this one also save that to pressmark should be added "ramo 25;" and that the pagination for this one in Doc. ined. is 355-357.