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See M. Dideron's admirably written introduction to his Iconographie Chretienne, p. 7: "Un de mes compagnons s'etonnait de re trouver a la Panagia de St. Luc, le saint Jean Chrysostome qu'il avait dessine dans le baptistere de St. Marc, a Venise.

Mon pere etait tres jeune encore quand il est entre au saint ministere et qu'il fut nomme pasteur a Hambach, village de la Lorraine. L'endroit etait assez grand, mais de peu de ressources, et il etait heureux de trouver quelqu'un qui, dans son inexperience et loin de sa famille, fut capable de lui aider a fonder sa maison, selon les usages et les traditions d'un bon presbytere.

I am sure that you yourself, when you consider more impartially what you have said, will be induced to believe, according to these lines of Du Bellay: "C'est chercher Rome en Rome, Et rien de Rome en Rome ne trouver."

Charles answered in this submissive fashion: Prince to Murray. 'February 24. 'Rien ne me flatterai plus que d'assurer de Bouche Mad. L. M. de P. de l'estime et de La Consideration La plus parfaitte. Vous scavez mes sentiments pour Elle, je Les ay aussy Explique a Le P. de Soubise, et je ne dessirres rien tant que trouver Les occasions de lui La prouver.

At their head marched the ci-devant porter in a great state of excitement. He began a fresh harangue in negro French. "Croire Anglais tues tous Francais. Voir Francais. Trouver pere. Contents, tous contents. Envoie commandant a nous. Pitit-Roi. Contents, tous contents. Tous femmes, tous filles a toi, tous contents!" "Think English killed all French. See Frenchman. Find father. Glad, all glad.

Lord Lansdowne mentioned an instance of the present King Louis Philippe's presence d'esprit: a mob in Paris surrounded him "Que desirez-vous, messieurs?" "Nous desirons Napoleon." "Eh bien, allez donc le trouver." The mob laughed, cheered, and dispersed. I have seen dear good Joanna Baillie several times, and the Carrs.

On hearing, however, that it had been impossible to provide my father and myself with seats, on account of the great demand for admission on the part of local magnates and the officers of the garrison, the Emperor was good enough to say, after I had explained that my father's indisposition would prevent him from attending: "Voyons, vous pourrez bien trouver une petite place pour ce jeune homme.

Certes ce n'est pas sous la domination de Cesar qu'on pourroit aller chercher l'Epouse legitime de J. C. Mais doit-on esperer la trouver dans la creation combinee de la volonte tyrannique de Henri VIII. et de la politique d'Elisabeth, tandis que la Doctrine comme la Discipline du Concile de Trente ne vous laisse rien a desirer, et conquiert deja vos suffrages?...

Having done what we had to do there, my Lord carried me and set me down at the New Exchange, where I staid at Pottle's shop till Betty Michell come, which she did about five o'clock, and was surprised not to 'trouver my muger' I there; but I did make an excuse good enough, and so I took 'elle' down, and over the water to the cabinet-maker's, and there bought a dressing-box for her for 20s., but would require an hour's time to make fit.

But yet they do not fill my heart; and that is why they have no power to fix it. I am always waiting for the woman and the work which shall be capable of taking entire possession of my soul, and of becoming my end and aim. "Promenant par tout sejour Le deuil que tu celes, Psyche-papillon, un jour Puisses-tu trouver l'amour Et perdre tes ailes!"