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The Bishop was the chief celebrant; but not even the splendor of his canonicals the cope with the little bells sewn down the sides and along the sleeves, the ompharium, the panagia, the cross, the crozier were enough to draw my eyes from the dimpled pink face half-hidden in the pillow of down on which they held thee up before the font.

"The Spirit by whose support and urgency I have dared address you, brethren, admonishes me that my task is nearly finished." He took hold of the corner of the Panagia; so all in view were more than ever impressed with his likeness to their ideal of the Blessed Master.

Eighteen miles farther they passed Leontinoi, which in ancient days dared to rival Siracusa itself, and an hour later the train skirted the bay and Capo Santa Panagia and slowly came to a halt in that city which for centuries dominated all the known world and was more powerful and magnificent in its prime than Athens itself Syracuse.

"He will be heard from;" and with the prediction the Prince gave attention to the body of the Brotherhood. "These men have the bearing of soldiers," he said presently. "Their vows respecting war are liberal. If the panagia were carried to the walls, they would accompany it in armor." The Prince smiled. He had not the faith in the Virgin of Blacherne which the Father's answer implied. The St.

Wherefore to our purpose.... We have been deputed by the Brotherhoods in Constantinople, united in devotion to the Most Blessed Madonna of Blacherne, to pray your permission to take the Panagia from the Church of the Virgin of Hodegetria, where it has been since the week of the Passover, and intrust it to the pious women of the city.

And we know two ways of facing a storm, one of which you may see too often among the boatmen of the Mediterranean How a man shall say, I know nothing as to how, or why, or when, a storm should come; and I care not to know. If one falls on me, I will cry for help to the Panagia, or St. Nicholas, or some other saint, and perhaps they will still the storm by miracle.

Perhaps the doors and windows of Heaven would open for a rain of fire perhaps the fighting angels who keep the throne of the Father would appear with swords of lightning perhaps the Mother and Son would show themselves. Had they not spared and converted the Khagan of the Avars? Whatever the form, it were not becoming to stand between the Panagia and the enemy.

The retirement of the hordes at sight of the Panagia on the wall was by Mahommed's order. His wilfulness extended to his love he did not intend the Princess Irene should suffer harm. The artillery of Mahommed had been effective, though not to the same degree, elsewhere than at St. Romain.

Had we kept on trusting the azymites, whether Roman cardinal or apostate Emperor, a muezzin would ere long, perhaps to-morrow, be calling to prayer from the dome of Hagia Sophia. Blessed be the Panagia! To-night let us sleep; and then then we will dismiss the mercenaries with their Latin tongues." But there will be skeptics to the last hour of the last day; so is the world made of kinds of men.

"Didst thou observe the young person yonder?" he asked. "The coronet she wears certifies the Prince of India to be vastly rich," the other answered. "Yes, the Princes of India, if we may judge by common report, are all rich; wherefore I thought not of that, but rather of the beauty of his daughter. She reminded me of the Madonna on the Panagia in the transept of our church at Blacherne."