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Sun., 20 days out. Ham broke into my locker last night, and is roaring drunk again; can't find the jug; will log him every time now No religious exercises to-day; women are complaining of my impiety, but a man can't feel resigned when he has just lost a four-gallon jug of the best Egyptian corn whiskey. Mon., 21 days out. Ham's drunk. Tues., 22 days out. Ditto's ditto. Wed., 23 days out. Do. do.

"Would you like me, in order to please you," replied the Emperor, "to dress like a scented fop, like a dandy, in fine, like the King of Naples and the Two Sicilies. As for me, I must hold on to my old habitudes." "Yes, Sire, and to your 'habits tues'," added the king on one occasion.

"Would you like me, in order to please you," replied the Emperor, "to dress like a scented fop, like a dandy, in fine, like the King of Naples and the Two Sicilies. As for me, I must hold on to my old habitudes." "Yes, Sire, and to your 'habits tues'," added the king on one occasion.

"Would you like me, in order to please you," replied the Emperor, "to dress like a scented fop, like a dandy, in fine, like the King of Naples and the Two Sicilies. As for me, I must hold on to my old habitudes." "Yes, Sire, and to your 'habits tues'," added the king on one occasion.

They threw down the books with contempt showing thereby their sense of true religion; and trooped off roaring, "TUES! TUES! Aux Huguenots!" at the top of their voices. The newcomer thus left with us was Bure Blaise Bure the same who only yesterday, though it seemed months and months back, had lured us into Bezers' power. Since that moment we had not seen him.

At their head marched the ci-devant porter in a great state of excitement. He began a fresh harangue in negro French. "Croire Anglais tues tous Francais. Voir Francais. Trouver pere. Contents, tous contents. Envoie commandant a nous. Pitit-Roi. Contents, tous contents. Tous femmes, tous filles a toi, tous contents!" "Think English killed all French. See Frenchman. Find father. Glad, all glad.

The cellar then, was the dram-shop. The descent to it was through a low door and by a staircase as steep as a classic Alexandrine. Over the door, by way of a sign there hung a marvellous daub, representing new sons and dead chickens,* with this, pun below: Aux sonneurs pour les trepasses, The wringers for the dead. * Sols neufs: poulets tues.

Course E. B. S. Ham at the wheel, Shem on the lookout. Tues., 8 days out. 4 bells.

Chicken missing this morning; suspect Ham of stealing it A pigeon fluttered down on deck with a green leaf fast in its gullet and half choked; pulled leaf out; pigeon must have been somewhere else and got it; will keep to the eastward and look out for land. Tues., 50 days out.

"From the Dial," he said, handing it to Average Jones. The clipping looked conventional enough. DIED July 21, suddenly at the Hotel Palatia: Telfik Bey of Stamboul, Turkey. Funeral services from the Turkish Embassy, Washington, on Tues. Ana Alhari. "If the newspapers ever discover " The young diplomat stopped short before the enormity of the hypothesis.