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I asked him how he had been able to subsist, having had only sagamite as sole provision, and pure water to drink. He replied that he was so accustomed to it that he made no distinction between this food and any other, and that he was about to set out on his return to pass the winter again there with M. de Trouvé, having left him only to go and get the wherewithal to pay the Indians who feed them.

I asked a woman to-day if she still contrived to have access to the priests, and she replied, "Ah, oui, il y a encore de la facilite, par ce que l'on ne trouve pas des gardes ici qui ne sont pas pour eux."* * "Yes, yes, we still contive it, because there are no guards to be found here who don't befriend them."

Maitre Guillot's face beamed like a harvest moon, as he chimed in with the well-known ditty in praise of the great pie of Rouen: "'C'est dans la ville de Rouen, Ils ont fait un pate si grand, Ils ont fait un pate si grand, Qu'ils ont trouve un homme dedans!"

"Il faut l'éveiller. Faites bien mes compliments au Monsieur de Fontanges, et dites-lui que je me trouve fort malade, et que je voudrais lui parier. Entends-tu, Céleste; je parle

"T'ai-je dit que j'avais trouve ici-meme un locataire etudiant la botanique a 'l'herbarium' tous les jours, et qu'en nous promenant ensemble au jardin, les soirs, il m'apprend les noms des arbres qui ne sont pas indiques. J'ai aussi des fleurs sur ma fenetre: je t'en donne une.

Another man looks at the book over the lady's shoulder, and two little children's faces appear at her knee. The verses are as follows: Pour nous prouver que cette belle Trouve l'hymen un noeud fort doux Le peintre nous la peint fidelle À suivre le ton d'un Époux.

He's a camsteary chield, and fasheous about marches, and we've had some bits o' splores thegither; but deil o'meif I wad wrang Jock o' Dawston neither. 'Thou'rt an honest fellow, said the Lawyer; 'get thee to bed. Thou wilt sleep sounder, I warrant thee, than many a man that throws off an embroidered coat and puts on a laced nightcap. Colonel, I see you are busy with our enfant trouve.

"... Is bound to seem monotonous," Stepan Trofimovitch intentionally repeated, drawling each word as deliberately and nonchalantly as possible. "And so my life has been throughout this quarter of a century, et comme on trouve partout plus de moines que de raison, and as I am entirely of this opinion, it has come to pass that throughout this quarter of a century I..."

Cette même pierre est mêlée de mica, sur-tout dans les interstices des couches et entre les fragmens et la pâte qui les réunit; mais on ne voit point de mica dans les fragmens eux-mêmes. On trouve aussi dans ces brèches des infiltrations de quartz. Cette pierre est coupée par des fréquentes fissures perpendiculaires aux plans des couches.

So to White Hall, where the King at Chapel, and I would not stay, but to Westminster to Howlett's, and there, he being not well, I sent for a quart of claret and burnt it and drank, and had a 'basado' or three or four of Sarah, whom 'je trouve ici', and so by coach to Sir Robt.