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'Surely, I cried to him, 'you don't want to offer yourself just as you are as a substitute for Christ? Il rit. Il rit beaucoup. Il rit trap. He has a strange smile. His mother had not a smile like that. Il rit toujours." Silence followed again. "They are cunning; they were acting in collusion on Sunday," he blurted out suddenly.... "Oh, not a doubt of it," I cried, pricking up my ears.

But it flourishes still with pristine vigor in New France, that olive branch grafted on the stately tree of the British Empire. The broad chest and flexile lips of Father de Berey rang out the grand old song in tones that filled the stately old hall: "'Grand Dieu! Sauvez le Roi! Grand Dieu! Sauvez le Roi! Sauvez le Roi! Que toujours glorieux. Louis Victorieux, Voye ses ennemis Toujours soumis!"

"Le vrai n'est pas toujours le vraisemblable," answered Captain M ; "and I am afraid that too often a great illiberality is shown towards travellers, who, after having encountered great difficulties and dangers, have the mortification not to be credited upon their return.

But Eliza, whose spirits always rose like Nelson's before the face of danger, and whose motto seemed to be 'De l'audace, de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace, would rush at the huge foe in a perfect transport of wild fury, and go to work at once to enclose him in her toils of triple silken cables.

She drew out a little white leather souvenir, marked on the back in gold letters with the words, "Toujours cher;" and slipping it into his hand, "There, receive that, monsignor, or whatever else you may be called, and retain it as the first pledge of Euphemia Dundas's friendship."

"To this undertaking I subscribe my signature, with many compliments to the good secretary; and to you, chère Madame, my ever constant devotion. "Toujours

"Mais nous avons toujours compris que Votre Seigneurie considérait Lord Combermere comme un imbécile...." "Assurément, c'est un imbécile," répliqua Wellington, "c'est un s... imbécile, mais il peut bien prendre Rangoon." Autre trait de la même période, et qui se rapporte

I will see you through safely, and we will not spare the tafia either." And he began to sing a song of Xavier's own: "'Marianson, dame jolie, Ou est alle votre mari?" "Ah, toujours les dames!" said Xavier. "But I tell you, Michie, le diable, he is at ze bottom of ze Grand Gulf and his mouth open so." And he suited the action to the word.

"Ce Smiley avait une jument que les gars appelaient le bidet du quart d'heure, mais seulement pour plaisanter, vous comprenez, parce que, bien entendu, elle etait plus vite que ca! Et il avait coutume de gagner de l'argent avec cette bete, quoi-qu'elle fut poussive, cornarde, toujours prise d'asthme, de coliques ou de consomption, ou de quelque chose d'approchant.

He peered at me for a moment or two as though taking my measure, and then went to the piano and gave vent to a particularly low comic song. "Forecastle tastes," thought I; "that upright grand's a wasted instrument." Aloud I expressed conventional thanks. Haigh had another blink or two in my direction, and then broke into Gounod's "Chantez toujours," singing it very passably.