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How could he wish it to be lucid for others, for any one, that he, for the hour, saw reasons enough in the mere way the bright clean ordered water-side life came in at the open window? the mere way Madame de Vionnet, opposite him over their intensely white table-linen, their omelette aux tomates, their bottle of straw-coloured Chablis, thanked him for everything almost with the smile of a child, while her grey eyes moved in and out of their talk, back to the quarter of the warm spring air, in which early summer had already begun to throb, and then back again to his face and their human questions.

As long as the sun shone they maintained their light-hearted gaiety, neither remembering nor desiring anything more "I say, Nat!" it would be, "toss me over the hatchet like a good chap. Hey, there! not at my head!" "What's for supper, Nat? I'm hungry as an ogre!" "Bacon aux tomates

MENU Potage aux tomates Coquilles de crevettes Barbue. Sauce câpres Pommes nature Filet de boeuf Flageolets. Pommes rissolées Asperges de Malines Sauce au beurre Pigeonneaux rôtis. Petits pois Poulets farcis. Compote de mangues Canetons rôtis. Salade russe Gâteaux Ananas au kirsch Fruits. Desserts

Red mullet, tomates farcies and quail appeared again for breakfast and were not to be despised, but red mullet, tomates farcies and quail for luncheon, began to be a trifle tiresome, and when all three appeared again at dinner and at the next day's breakfast and luncheon, there were some of us who began to hunger for a change. We made a little party and we went across to the Valori restaurant.

Primeramente se pone a herbir el pollo hasta que este bien cosido y despues so frie una poca de cobolla en manteca junto con el arroz y se le hecha pimienta entera y se le anade el caldo, colado, en que se cosio el pollo. Despues se anade el pollo cortado en pedazos pequeños y se le hecha sal. Lomismo que con arroz, con la excepcion que en lugar de arroz se le echan tomates.