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"Parla per primo un vecchio garabaldino il quale afforma che se continueranno le opposizione per Fiume andremo laggiu non col grigioverde ma con la camicia rossa e conclude mandando un caldo saluto al populo americano mentre impreca al tradimento di Wilson; poi segue Pietro Nenni che invita i cittadini americani graditi e amati ospiti di Bologna a far conoscere ei loro connazionali il vero sentimento del populo d'Italia la sua fermezza nei pretendere cio che gli spetta di diritto.

Perocche al Sol, che v' allumo ed arse Col caldo e con la luce, en si iguali, Che tutte simiglianze sono scarse. "I turned to Beatrice, and she heard before I spoke, and smiled on me a sign which added wings to my desire.

On their return they were very hungry and soon partook of their caldo, as they called it, pronouncing it to be very good, and praising me as the best cook they had had for some time, little suspecting what that same best cook had put into it.

And Worth smiled reassuringly. O'Mally beckoned to a waiter. "Oony bottle vino dee Asti, caldo, frappé!" he said loudly, so that all might hear him give the order. A month in Venice, and he would be able to talk like a native. True, if any Italian spoke to him, he was obliged to shake his head; but that was a trifling matter. "Tom!" warned Smith. "You let me alone," replied O'Mally.

Benvenuto da Imola gives still a third reading, making the e si iguali into ee si iguale, or, in modern orthography, e si iguale; but, as this spoils the rhyme, it may be left out of account. There seems to us to be some ground for believing the second reading suggested above, Perocch' e il Sol che v' allumo ed arse Con caldo e con la luce, e si iguali.

I was foolish enough, though indeed I did not expect what a bother I should throw up, to ask them then what they thought was in their caldo, and when I told them there was meat in it, they exclaimed they had eaten the Devil, or words to that effect in their language, which we were beginning to understand pretty well by that time after being so long in the country.

Euchre is very well when there is nothing else to do: but change is pleasant; le bon Dieu likes it, "'Ne caldo ne gelo Resta mai in cielo. "And such beautiful ices one gets at M. Louvier's! Did you taste the pistachio ice? What fine rooms, and so well lit up! I adore light. And the ladies so beautifully dressed: one sees the fashions. Stay at home! play at Euchre indeed!

Moreover, in love, 'tis no other than frantic desire for that which flies from us: "Come segue la lepre il cacciatore Al freddo, al caldo, alla montagna, al lito; Ne piu l'estima poi the presa vede; E sol dietro a chi fugge affretta il piede"

They never liked me much afterwards, nor set me to watch their caldo, and, as they were obliged to have me there still, managed to make me rather uncomfortable; but this did not altogether debar me from continuing my jokes, and more as I thought it was pretty well time for Lewis to have his turn of it.

Euchre is very well when there is nothing else to do: but change is pleasant; le bon Dieu likes it, "'Ne caldo ne gelo Resta mai in cielo. "And such beautiful ices one gets at M. Louvier's! Did you taste the pistachio ice? What fine rooms, and so well lit up! I adore light. And the ladies so beautifully dressed: one sees the fashions. Stay at home! play at Euchre indeed!