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By electrical connections between the typewriting machine and a system of levers which registered their movements on the rotating drum of a kymograph, graph, each striking of a key, each completion of a word, or of a line, could be recorded in exact time-relations. Each glance at the copy was also registered.

Such time-relations as can be constructed between events in different biographies are of a different kind: they are not experienced, and are merely logical, being designed to afford convenient ways of stating the correlations between different biographies. It is not only by time-relations that the parts of one biography are collected together in the case of living beings.

The things previously observed are active entities, the 'events. They are chunks in the life of nature. These events have to each other relations which in our knowledge differentiate themselves into space-relations and time-relations.

From either of these sources I can abstract the universal relation of before and after, just as I abstracted the universal relation 'being to the left of'. Thus time-relations, like space-relations, are among those with which we are acquainted. Another relation with which we become acquainted in much the same way is resemblance.

We found in fact that it is exhibited by a photographic plate, and, strictly speaking, by any particular taken in conjunction with those which have the same "passive" place in the sense defined in Lecture VII. The particulars forming one perspective are connected together primarily by simultaneity; those forming one biography, primarily by the existence of direct time-relations between them.

Every particular of the sort considered by physics is a member of two groups The group of particulars constituting the other aspects of the same physical object; The group of particulars that have direct time-relations to the given particular. Each of these is associated with a place.

I learned in the achievements of the sense of sight to apprehend the fact of creative mental synthesis.... From my inquiry into time-relations, etc.,... I attained an insight into the close union of all those psychic functions usually separated by artificial abstractions and names, such as ideation, feeling, will; and I saw the indivisibility and inner homogeneity, in all its phases, of the mental life.

Von Schlichten's hand, bringing his lighter to the tip of his cigarette, paused for a second. Then he completed the operation, snapped it shut, and put it away. "When did all this happen?" She took time out for mental arithmetic; even a spaceship officer had to do that, when a question of interstellar time-relations arose. "About three-fifty days ago, Galactic Standard.

When Gilbreth began to reform the labor of the mason after scientific principles, he gave his chief interest to the men's motions. Every muscle contraction which was needed to move the brick from the pile in the yard to the final position in the wall was measured with reference to space-and time-relations and the necessary effort.

The force of attention and the corresponding memory-value are by this distribution diminished in a definite degree in the case of every single card. The investigation must include a careful study of the size of the groups, of the time-relations, of the percentage of correct answers, all under the point of view of greatest fitness for practical application.