United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

'Take your own case, I said to him, 'how is it that you, a coal man, are not helping the city in this matter? Why don't you supply the city? He shook his head, 'I wouldn't do it at three-fifty, he said. 'No, I answered, 'but will you at five? He looked at me for a moment and then he said, 'Fyshe, I'll do it; at five, or at anything over that they like to name.

"I only wish you'd let me give you a score or two at the same price, on condition that you sold them for three-fifty whenever you needed a little cash." She was quite upset by this remark, and what had given rise to it. Impulsively too impulsively, considering how weak he was she kissed his damp forehead, and rushed weeping from his sight.

Coat quite burned. Decimal three-fifty or thereabouts I fancy from the look of it. Ah, here it is! Have you a penknife or a pair of scissors, madam? That small knife will do. Thank you. A dexterous touch, and from the little gaping lips carved by the penknife's point in the muscle of the back rolled out a flattened piece of lead with jagged edges like a battered shilling, but a trifle thicker.

Claire had a blurred impression that she had seen him before, some place along the road. "Stuck?" he inquired, not very intelligently. "How much is Adolph charging you?" "He wants three-fifty, and his harness broke, and he wants two dollars " "Oh! So he's still working that old gag! I've heard all about Adolph. He keeps that harness for pulling out cars, and it always busts.

"I'll let it go six days fer four dollars," bargained Amarilly. "Well, seeing you have come down on your offer, I'll come up a little on mine. I'll take it for three-fifty." Amarilly considered. "I will, if you'll throw in one of them caps fer my brother." "All right," laughed the proprietor. "I think we'll call it a bargain. See if you can't dig up one of those caps for her, Ben."

Samuel Povey turned the corner from Wedgwood Street, and crossed King Street obliquely to the front-door, which Constance opened. He seemed tired and anxious. "Well?" demanded Constance, as he entered. "She's no better. There's no getting away from it, she's worse. I should have stayed, only I knew you'd be worrying. So I caught the three-fifty." "How is that Mrs. Gilchrist shaping as a nurse?"

Of course, the creatures are thoroughbred, and may turn out worth a great deal more; still, in these days no one gives a fair price for anything, and three-fifty is not to be sneezed at when your rents are always behindhand and your balance at the bank is overdrawn." The Squire left the room as he spoke, and Mrs. Lorrimer, with the faintest of little sighs, presently followed his example.

Stepping behind the counter, he drew from the show-case and held up admiringly the most costly knife in the store. "Here, now, what do you say to this? Very superior article. Best horn, ten blades, best razor steel. Three-fifty, and cheap at the price. Can't be beat this side of Boston. Just the article for you, sir." And he winked again at Dannie Snow, who was pink with suppressed merriment.

"There, you hear you hear, all of you! Not a hundred pounds, and my Bill of Sale is three-fifty." "Pray, sir," said Lala Roy, "who told you that Mr. Emblem was so wealthy?" "His grandson." "Then, sir perhaps it would be well to question the grandson further, he may know things of which we have heard nothing."

Another one, presently; after an interval, two more; at three-fifty another one very long, with many crosses, gold-embroidered robes, and much white lace; also great pictured banners, at intervals, receding into the distance. A hum of tolling bells makes itself heard, but not sharply. At three-fifty-eight a waiting interval.