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So long as our money lasted, we bought food, for the Durbar had none to give; and latterly my ever charitable companion fed our guards, including Dolly and Thoba-sing, in pity to their pinched condition.

Our guards were reduced to one Sepoy with a knife, who was friendly; and a dirty, cross-eyed fellow named Thoba-sing, who, with the exception of Tchebu Lama, was the only Bhoteea about the Durbar who could speak Hindostanee, and who did it very imperfectly: he was our attendant and spy, the most barefaced liar I ever met with, even in the east; and as cringing and obsequious when alone with us, as he was to his masters on other occasions, when he never failed to show off his authority over us in an offensive manner.

After the usual amount of messes served in oil and salt water, sweets were brought, and a strong spirit. Thoba-sing, our filthy, cross-eyed spy, was waiter, and brought in every little dish with both hands, and raised it to his greasy forehead, making a sort of half bow previous to depositing it before us.

Campbell is ordered to appear at Durbar Lamas called to council Threats Searcity of food Arrival of Dewan Our jailer, Thoba-sing Temperature, etc., at Tumloong Services of Goompas Lepcha girl Jew's-harp Terror of servants Ilam-sing's family Interview with Dewan Remonstrances Dewan feigns sickness Lord Dalhousie's letter to Rajah Treatment of Indo-Chinese Concourse of Lamas Visit of Tchebu Lama Close confinement Dr.

Whether he had been beaten or threatened we could not make out, nor whether he had heard of some dark fate impending over ourselves a suspicion which would force itself on our minds; especially as Thoba-sing had coolly suggested to the Amlah the dispatching of Campbell, as the shortest way of getting out of the scrape!