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Corey was pleased from the beginning with Lemuel's good looks, and justified himself to his wife with an Italian proverb: "Novanta su cento, chi e bello difuori e buono di dentro."

The commanding Italian knoll on the northwest corner of the Su wang-fu remains firm, but somehow no one has very much confidence in the Italians, and secondary lines are being formed behind them, towards which the Italians look with longing eyes. And yet next to the British Legation posts the Italians are having the easiest time of all.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡, hace usted bien en llamarme suya ... que de usted soy y seré ... que de usted he sido siempre; porque ahora lo conozco, y no tengo vergüenza de confesarlo! BRUNO. ¡Pobrecita, qué ha de hacer más que conocerlo y confesarlo! DON EDUARDO. ¿Puedo creer tamaña dicha! DOÑA MATILDE. Ojalá estuviera aquí mi padre, para que en su presencia.... Si se habrá ya ido.

My Javanese cook, Wong Su, on arriving in camp, felt ill and I found him lying prostrate. He had not been perspiring on the march down the hills and complained of chilly sensations. He also presented the symptoms of a cold attack of malaria, but it was simply the effects produced by the bites of leeches, to which he was particularly susceptible.

Smith opened the "year-book," and began: "George Washington Samson, President of the United States." "He goes. He is not intellectually brilliant, but he has strong sense and good moral fiber. I'll save him if for no other reason than his veto of the Antarctic Continent grab bill." "Shen Su, Son of Heaven, President-Emperor of China." "Put him down. I like him. He is a true Confucian."

Although disgusted with the life I was leading I was unwilling to change it: Simigliante a quella 'nferma Che non puo trovar posa in su le piume, Ma con dar volta suo dolore scherma. Thus I tortured my mind to give it change and I fell into all these vagaries in order to get out of myself.

Rapport de Courtois su les Papiers de Robespierre. After several skirmishes between the Jacobins and Muscadins, the bust of Marat has been expelled from the theatres and public places of Paris, and the Convention have ratified this popular judgment, by removing him also from their Hall and the Pantheon.

If you had not seen Hangchow, you would have said that there was no city in the world, not Venice nor Constantinople nor another worthy to be named in the same breath with Sugui. The Chinese indeed, seeing the riches and beauty of these two cities, doubted whether even the pleasant courts of heaven could show their equal and proudly quoted the proverb: Shang yeu t'ien t'ang, Hia yeu Su Hang.

Now dinner, for there goes the Hotel brass band down below a cada necio agrada su porrada to me the pipes, the brass band to the Southerner, but for us all dinner "both meat and music," as the fox said when it ate the bagpipes. To each fool agreeable is his folly; and, the bag of the pipes is made of sheep-skin you see.

Soon after Su Tai told his master the parable of the mussel and the oyster-catcher the grand clash came, and the era of petty wars and raidings was over.