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Mayenne started forward with half an oath, changing to a laugh. "So it is not enough for you to possess the fair body of Lorance; you must also have her love?" "She will love me," Lucas answered uneasily. "She must." "It is not worth your fret," Mayenne declared. "If she did, how long would it last? Souvent femme varie that is the only fixed fact about her.

Le protestant le plus libre garde souvent quelque chose de triste, un fond d'austerite intellectuelle analogue au pessimisme slave." One is reminded of Mr. Morley's criticism of Emerson.

He tells you neither how he came by his reasons, nor their conclusion, 'le plus fou souvent est le plus satisfait. Consequently, if less tedious than the English, your reasoners are more dangerous, and ought rather to be considered as models of terseness than of reflection. A man might learn to think sooner from your writers, but he will learn to think justly sooner from ours.

Infinite darkness above and beyond; but the lantern-beams danced far out over an unbroken circle of heaving and swirling black water. Stealthily, swiftly, the measureless sea-flood was rising. "Messieurs mesdames, ce n'est rien. Nothing serious, ladies, I assure you ... Mais nous en avons vu bien souvent, les inondations comme celle-ci; ca passe vite!

Your wishes have been fulfilled in a most unexpected manner, and a voice cries out to you as to the imprudent Theseus, "Craignez, Seigneur, craignez que le Ciel rigoureux Ne vous Haisse assez pour exaucer vos voeux! Souvent dans sa colere il recoit nos victimes, Ses presents sont souvent la peine de nos crimes." Beware lest stern Heaven hate you enough to hear your prayers!

"We are helpers, fellow-creatures, Of the right against the wrong." E. Barrett. "Life was not given us to be all used up in the pursuit of what we must leave behind us when we die." Joseph May. "Le bonheur ou le malheur de la vielillesse n'est souvent que l'extrait de notre vie passée." Two other methods of co-operative saving remain to be mentioned.

"As you acknowledge that you are not fit to hear yourself convinced," said Belinda, "I will not argue this point with you." "But you will allow," said Lady Delacour, "as it is said or sung in Cupid's calendar, that 'Un peu d'amour, un peu de soin, Menent souvent un coeur bien loin;" and she broke off the conversation by singing that beautiful French air.

Le dehors est souvent trompeur; Qui juge par la reliure D'un ouvrage et de son auteur Dans une page de lecture Peut reconnaitre son erreur. "That was my own experience; for of wisdom I could find nothing except in his gray hair and decrepit appearance. His first opening betrayed him; no great well of wit this Marechal,

I am very sensible that, at your age, 'vous y entrez pour peu de chose, et meme souvent pour rien, et que vous y passerez meme quelques mauvais quart-d'heures'; but no matter; you will be a solid gainer by it: you will see, hear, and learn the turn and manners of those people; you will gain premature experience by it; and it will give you a habit of engaging and respectful attentions.

"'J'ai toujours redoute la volaille perfide, Qui brave les efforts d'une dent intrepide; Souvent par un ami, dans ses champs entraine. J'ai reconnu le soir le coq infortune Qui m'avait le matin a l'aurore naissante Reveille brusquement de sa voix glapissante; Je l'avais admire dans le sein de la cour, Avec des yeux jaloux, j'avais vu son amour.