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It does not suit the gallantry of the French, Monsieur le Count, said I, to show it against invalids. An animated blush came into the Count de B-'s cheeks as I spoke this. Ne craignez rien Don't fear, said he. Indeed, I don't, replied I again.

Your wishes have been fulfilled in a most unexpected manner, and a voice cries out to you as to the imprudent Theseus, "Craignez, Seigneur, craignez que le Ciel rigoureux Ne vous Haisse assez pour exaucer vos voeux! Souvent dans sa colere il recoit nos victimes, Ses presents sont souvent la peine de nos crimes." Beware lest stern Heaven hate you enough to hear your prayers!

"Vous m'enchantez, mais vous m'epouvantez; Ces pieges-la sont-ils bien ajustes? Craignez vous point de vous laisser surprendre Dans les filets que vos mains savent tendre?" To prepare Amelia to receive Sir John Hunter properly was Mrs. Beaumont's next attempt; for as she had represented to Mr.

The Chant du Départ made a great impression upon her, and when she repeated the stirring line put in the mouth of the mothers, "De nos yeux maternels ne craignez point de larmes," her voice was always broken. These stirring and terrible scenes had imprinted themselves for ever upon her mind.

This Terse, which even Marie Antoinette sang, ran thus: "Ne craignez pas, cher papa, D' voir augmenter vot' famille, Le bon Dieu z'y pourvoira: Faits-en taut qu' Versailles en fourmille; Yeut-il cent Bourbons cheu nos Ya du pain, du laurier pour tous."

One of them so hit the fancy of the king and queen that they quoted it more than once in their letters to their correspondents, and Marie Antoinette even sung it occasionally to her harp: "Ne craignez pas, Cher papa, D' voir augmenter vot' famille, Le Bon Dieu z'y pourvoira: Fait's en tant qu' Versailles en fourmille Y eut-il cent Bourbons chez nous, Y a du pain, du laurier pour tous."

Nous avons trouve un grand nombre des dialogues du meilleur comique, c'est a dire ceux ou les personnages se developpent sans le vouloir, et sont plaisants sans songer a l'etre. Il y a des scenes charmantes dans 'Madame de Fleury. Ne craignez pas les difficultes, c'est la ou vous brillez." To MISS HONORA EDGEWORTH. Nov 30. We have had a bevy of wits here Mr. Chenevix, Mr.

She arrived, and walking up in full assembly to the Duchess, with the fire of indignation flashing in her eyes. "Eh! Madame la Duchesse, vous ne voulez pas donc faire ma connaissance en Angleterre?" "Non, Madame, je ne le voulais pas." "Eh! comment, Madame? Pourquoi donc?" "C'est que je vous craignais, Madame." "Vous me craignez, Madame la Duchesse?" "Non, Madame, je ne vous crains plus."

In order completely to undeceive her, I replied in French, with a slight bow: "Ne craignez rien, madame, je ne suis pas plus dangereux que votre cavalier"... She grew embarrassed but at what? At her own mistake, or because my answer struck her as insolent? I should like the latter hypothesis to be correct. Grushnitski cast a discontented glance at me.