United States or Jamaica ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Alice, who had understood, found herself obliged to say that she had not understood, which little fib begot a little annoyance in her against her mother; and Milord, as if he thought that he had been guilty of a slight indiscretion, said, addressing himself to both girls: 'Gardez bien vos illusions, mon enfant, car les illusions sont le miroir de l'amour.

«Autant l'intérieur du petit bourg de Porto-venere et les rochers qui l'environnent sont a l'abri des tempêtes, autant les parties extérieures sont exposées aux coups de mer les plus violens, lorsqu'elles sont en proie au deux terribles vents d'Afrique et

We dug up for him a large bit of the casing of the shrapnel. He examined it fearfully. It was an 11-inch shell, I think, nearly as big as his wee grotesque self. But he knew the Germans could not hit him. Thousands and thousands of Germans had gone by, and a little after the last German came the English. "Les Anglais sont bons." This he said with an air of finality.

PRIVATE COMPTON: He doesn't half want a thick ear, the blighter. Biff him one, Harry. PRIVATE COMPTON: Biff him, Harry. Doctor Swift says one man in armour will beat ten men in their shirts. Shirt is synechdoche. Part for the whole. The bold soldier boy. In my opinion every lady for example... Very unpleasant. Noble art of selfpretence. Personally, I detest action. Enfin ce sont vos oignons.

Lorsque nous le rencontrâmes aux champs, ainsi que je l'ai dit, l'ambassadeur et moi nous lui prîmes la main et je la lui baisai, parce que tel est l'usage. Le lendemain nous allâmes le saluer chez lui. Sa cour, assez nombreuse, étoit composée de très-beaux hommes qui portent longs cheveux et longue barbe, vu qu'ils sont de la religion Grecque. Il y avoit dans la ville un évêque et un maître (docteur) en théologie, qui se rendoient

Ward herself arrived at the school about a week before her pupils made their appearance. She had much to settle during this week. "Les jeunes filles Anglaises sont bien capables et bien distinguées mais ma foi! comme elles me fatiguent les nerfs!"

Even to a mere outsider, an idle bystander of the boulevards, this complete exposure of the social, moral, and political hypocricies of a nation seemed exceptionally brutal. Les Affaires sont les Affaires is pure theatre, perhaps, but it might be considered the best play produced in France between Becque's La Parisienne and Brieux's Les Hannetons.

Yo' see, he hed find Ham Fisher done fall down in de smoke right by de ker'ige-hoss' stalls, whar he sont him, an' he hed to tote 'im back in his arms th'oo de fire what hed done cotch de front part o' de stable, an' to keep de flame from gittin' down Ham Fisher's th'ote he hed tuk off his own hat and mashed it all over Ham Fisher's face, an' he hed kep' Ham Fisher from bein' so much bu'nt; but he wuz bu'nt dreadful!

An old coxcomb! Ce sont les couleurs les plus a la mode, et pour le Carnaval qui vient. Lord Loughborough has the gout, and is confined to his bed.

"May I get them some sweets?" Happy thought! We passed a shop a minute ago. Here, wait a second, say to the father in your best French this sentence "Ils sont