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Why did the flute play the chromatic scale when the boy said, "Il faut que cela soit un grand navire," and why were all the cellos in motion when the girl answered, "Cela ou bien tout autre chose?" I suffered because of the divorce of the orchestra and singers, uniting perhaps at the end of the scene.

His words be these, 'Et de vray, c'est le plus fascheux et le plus incertain negocier de ceste court, que je pense soit au monde." And so "basting," as he said, "with a weak body and a willing mind; to do, he feared, no good work," he set forth from Middelburgh to rejoin Leicester at Arnheim, in order to obey, as well as he could, the Queen's latest directions.

"A la paix, soit," she courageously answered; "mais sans cession de territoire." They did not insist. It may be easily surmised that such tidings, reaching my husband from time to time, kept him in an anxious state far from beneficial to his health.

There was a gap in their number. Daniel's station had been at St. Joseph; but the mission and the missionary had alike ceased to exist. En l'vne il se fit voir en estat de gloire, portant le visage d'vn homme d'enuiron trente ans, quoy qu'il soit mort en l'age de quarante-huict. . . . Vne autre fois il fut veu assister a vne assemblee que nous tenions," etc.

O mon pere, tourne vers ton enfant un bec favorable!" or of Paris when he represses the zeal of Calchas, who desires to present him at once to Helen: "Soit! mais sans lui dire qui je suis; je desire garder le plus strict incognito, jusq'au moment ou la situation sera favorable a un coup de theatre."

What an ending for a maternal epistle is that elegant compliment 'Songez que de tons les coeurs ou vous regnez, il n'y en a aucun ou votre empire soit si bien etabli que dans le mien.* I can scarcely fancy Lord Saxingham writing so to you, Lady Florence." * Think that of all the hearts over which you reign, there is not one in which your empire can be so well established as in mine.

"I've composed my epitaph," he said irrelevantly. "Will you please compose my monument." "Oh, willingly. But it will be necessary to know the epitaph, so that the monument may express the same sentiment." "I shall have no name," Arthur returned. "Only L'homme est mort. Soit. How does that strike you?" "Ah," she cried impulsively, "how does any thing strike me?

Now the windows are open at break of day, et le masque leve, rien ne surprend qu'a qui tout soit nouveau, et ne ressemble a rien que l'on ait jamais vu depuis le commencement du monde. There is to-night a great ball at Gloucester House; it is the Restoration Day, and the birthday also of Princess Sophia. My love and thanks to my dear boy for his letter, which I will answer.

In an instant the color suffused her face, she snatched the hand away, half rose trembling from her seat, then sank into it again. "Soit, Monsieur!" she exclaimed, abruptly. "But you have not told me the danger." "It will not alarm you now?" he replied, laughing. "I have said that I am not a coward." "I wonder what you would think of me when I say that without doubt I am." "You, Mr.

"At home," she replied, "our houses are, so to say, parasols; in those cities they must be iron shrouds. Ainsi soit il!" she added, and shrugged her shoulders like a little fatalist. "You must not take it with such desperation; perhaps you will not be obliged to wear the shroud." "Not long, to be sure, at first.