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I had much rather that should be the case than that you should be one minute out of humour with him. The girls must go on with Tetard in his own way till I come, when I will set all right. It is already late. I must be up at sunrise. Bon soir, ma chere amie. Chester, 19th May, 2 o'clock P. M., 1785.

Your lovely songs have been ringing in my ears ever since I heard them! 'Where did you hear them? On a piano-organ? he asked. 'You're too bad! Isn't he naughty? No, when you sang here last. Mr Mitchell came up, and Madame Frabelle turned away. 'Dieu merci! La pauvre! Elle me donne sur les nerfs ce soir, said Landi.

'Bon soir, gentlemen, he said, speaking with the deep sonorousness which comes of long saturation of the vocal cords with undiluted spirits, 'I think one or two of these faces are new to Archibald's. Am I right? 'Yes, sir, said Smyth, rising. 'Permit me, Mr. De Foe, to introduce' The writer stopped him with a slow, majestic movement of the hand. 'What care I who they are? he said heavily.

There was an agony of hostile dismay in the look, and the trembling and appealing tone with which, taking the frightened mother's cheeks between her palms, she said: "Ah! ma mère, qui vini 'ci ce soir?" Who is coming here this evening? "Why, my dear child, I was just saying, we like a clean " But the daughter was desperate: "Oh, tell me, my mother, who is coming?"

The gathering darkness deepens the quiet of the lake, and bids us, at least for this time, to forsake it. "De soir fontaines, de matin montaignes," says the old French proverb, Morning for labor, evening for repose. Harry Jones and Tom Murdock got down from the cars, Near a still country village, and lit their cigars.

Flowers, beautiful in your sublime decay, I press you to my lips; these northern solitudes, far from the rank Parisian garden where I gathered you, are full of you, even as the sea-shell of the sea, and the sun that sets on this wild moorland evokes the magical verse: "Un soir fait de rose et de bleu mystique Nous échangerons un éclair unique Comme un long sanglot tout chargé d'adieux."

"Hier soir je me suis promene un peu dans les jardins du palais qui est lui-meme vaste, mais c'est un amas de constructions lourdes et de mauvais gout, du moins en general. Cela me fait l'effet d'une caserne ajoutee a une petite ville. Les jardins, les arbres sont magnifiques. Je me trouve bien ce matin, mais un peu faible par suite du peu de nourriture que j'ai pu prendre depuis quelques jours.

In the afternoon of the day on which he died, as he was coming back home from the Louvre in a tram-car, he took out of his pocket a volume of Virgil, and read it the whole way. "I furbish up my Latin and Greek when on a steamer or in omnibuses," he said to me; "it prevents my being annoyed by the loss of time." "Jeudi soir.

After all, he was an artist, and subject to inspiration like other men of genius; so, hurrying downstairs, he waved the waiter aside, and greeted them with a bow which almost amounted to virtuosity. 'Bon soir, monsieur et madame. He cast an anxious glance about the café, which was two-thirds filled. 'This tabil will do? Ah, mais non! He grew indignant at the very thought.

He sings a song detailing his whole day's round of insignificant occupations, and goes to bed delighted with the idea that his next day will be an exact repetition of the same routine: "Je me couche le soir, Enchante de pouvoir Recommencer mon train Le lendemain Matin."