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He walked straight to the door of this place, which stood ajar, but paused before entering, and looked long and nervously at the middle-aged proprietor who was unconscious of his regard, and lounged in a chair, drowsily stroking a cat upon his lap. Noble walked in. "Good evening," said the proprietor, rising and brushing himself languidly. "Cat hairs," he said apologetically. "Sheddin', I reckon."

What was the good of becoming expert if it only put one where Mag was? By eleven o'clock there was a sharp pain between her shoulder-blades, and her feet ached so that she angrily kicked off first one shoe, then the other. This was the signal for a general laugh. "They're kiddin' you fer sheddin' yer shoes," explained Mag, who had laughed louder than anybody. "Greenhorns always do it first thing.

An' poor Sally sheddin' something scand'lous! Look here, Smoke, if you want to go in for high livin' you go an' buy your own eggs. Beans an' bacon's good enough for me." "I am going to buy, but I want you to help me to buy. Now, shut up, Shorty. I've got the floor. You go right straight to Slavovitch's. Pay as high as three dollars, but buy all he's got." "Three dollars!" Shorty groaned.

If I could only wish a pair of eight-ounce gloves on him for a few minutes!" So, without stoppin' to change, or even sheddin' the mitts, I walks into the front office, to discover this elegant party in the stream-line cutaway pacin' restless up and down the room.

"'How you come in the ship, senor? asked the general as soon as he could speak. "'By the back door whist! says I. ''Twas a glorious blow for liberty we struck, I continues; 'but we was overpowered by numbers. Let us accept our defeat like brave men and eat another banana. "'Were you in the cause of liberty fightin', senor? says the general, sheddin' tears on the cargo.

"Not havin' earned his board, an' talks smooth to us abaout ripplin' brooks an' wavin' grass, an' his high-toned, pure-souled horsehood, which don't hender him sheddin' women an' childern, an' fallin' over the dash onter men. You heard his talk, an' you thought it mighty fine, some o' you." Tuck looked guilty here, but she did not say anything. "Bit by bit he goes on ez you have heard."

Now, do as I bid you directly." "When a man is told by the girl he loves to do anythink, he is bound to do it even if it wor the sheddin' of his blood. Susan, your word is law." He turned and tossed the cigar-end out of the window. Susan laughingly stooped, kissed the urchin's forehead, and called him a good boy. "Now," said she, "what do you mean by sayin' that this is a curious world?

"What's the beam like?" the Squire called up to someone aloft. "Sound as a bell," answered a voice. "I said so. We'll have en hoisted by Sunday, I'll send a waggon over to Wheel Gooniver for a tackle and winch. Damme, up there! Don't keep sheddin' such a muck o' dust on your betters!"

I wouldn't shed blood, because that's horrid; it shocks all Christian people, philosophisin' legislators, sentimental ladies, and spooney gentlemen. It's horrid barbarous that, is sheddin' blood; I wouldn't do that, I'd jist hang him.

"That air's what I believe in," said Israel, beamingly, "peaceable ways o' settlin the trouble; bills instid o' bagonets. The beauty on't so fer is that thar hain't been no sheddin o' blood, nor no vi'lence tew speak of, ceppin a leetle shovin daown tew Barrington, an I hope thar won't be." "I don't know about that," said Paul Hubbard.