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"I rely on my simple rights the inalienable rights o' my unfettered horsehood. An' I am proud to say I have never, since my first shoes, lowered myself to obeyin' the will o' man." "'Must ha' had a heap o' whips broke over yer yaller back," said Tedda. "Hev ye found it paid any?" "Sorrer has been my portion since the day I was foaled.

For it is obviously within even the intellectual resources of a haddock to answer, "But if a haddock is a horse, why should I yield to you any more than you to me? Why should that singing horse commonly called the nightingale, or that climbing horse hitherto known as the cat, fall down and worship you because of your horsehood?

"Have you no respec' whatever fer the dignity o' our common horsehood?" the yellow horse squealed. "Nary respec' onless the horse kin do something. America's paved with the kind er horse you are jist plain yaller-dog horse waitin' ter be whipped inter shape. We call 'em yearlings an' colts when they're young. When they're aged we pound 'em in this pastur'. Horse, sonny, is what you start from.

Accustomed to this from the time when they first emerged from colthood into horsehood, the aged steeds, like many aged senators of their day, were determined enemies to any thing like innovation on the long established customs of their caste; and although, unlike the said senators, they were made to bear all the burdens of the state, still did they not suffer themselves to be driven out of the sluggish habits in which sluggish animals, of every description, seem to feel themselves privileged to indulge.

So far as one can make out from the somewhat rude handicraft of my prehistoric Phidias the horse of the quaternary epoch had much the same caudal peculiarity; his tail was bushy, but only in the lower half. He was still in the intermediate stage between horse and donkey, a natural mule still struggling up aspiringly toward perfect horsehood.

"Not havin' earned his board, an' talks smooth to us abaout ripplin' brooks an' wavin' grass, an' his high-toned, pure-souled horsehood, which don't hender him sheddin' women an' childern, an' fallin' over the dash onter men. You heard his talk, an' you thought it mighty fine, some o' you." Tuck looked guilty here, but she did not say anything. "Bit by bit he goes on ez you have heard."

Accustomed to this from the time when they first emerged from colthood into horsehood, the aged steeds, like many aged senators of their day, were determined enemies to any thing like innovation on the long established customs of their caste; and although, unlike the said senators, they were made to bear all the burdens of the state, still did they not suffer themselves to be driven out of the sluggish habits in which sluggish animals, of every description, seem to feel themselves privileged to indulge.

"Have you no respec' whatever fer the dignity o' our common horsehood?" the yellow horse squealed. "Nary respec' onless the horse kin do something. America's paved with the kind er horse you are -jist plain yaller-dog horse waitin' ter be whipped inter shape. We call 'em yearlings an' colts when they're young.

Shelby's sense was certainly very sound horse-sense and was rigidly abided by. Consequently, the colts which left Severndale were in the pride and glory of their young horsehood, and this year they were a most promising lot. There were eleven to be disposed of, and, thanks to Peggy's care and training, as fine a bunch of horseflesh as could be found in the land.

"Not havin' earned his board, an' talks smooth to us abaout ripplin' brooks an' wavin' grass, an' his high-toned, pure-souled horsehood, which don't hender him sheddin' women an' childern, an' fallin' over the dash onter men. You heard his talk, an' you thought it mighty fine, some o' you." Tuck looked guilty here, but she did not say anything. "Bit by bit he goes on ez you have heard."