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Old age is the wise provision of the Cosmic Law which compels those who will not do so of their own volition and wisdom, to transmute the life-energy into higher channels. If the race knew enough to consciously transmute the creative sex-energy into an interior function, there would come to pass the time prophecied by St. Paul when Man shall consciously "lay down his body and take it up again."

Similarly it is stated that if this unusual brain, after losing its power of sustained thinking, is again fed by the renewed activities of the sex-glands, it will re-establish its power, and the mind will display its former brilliance. You see how amazing and far-reaching is the application of this apparently simple theory that sex-energy is the basis of all human energy.

This is not the place to discuss the subject fully, but the Yogis know that sex-energy may be conserved and used for the development of the body and mind of the individual, instead of being dissipated in unnatural excesses as is the wont of so many uninformed people. By special request we will give in this book one of the favorite Yogi exercises for this purpose.

The results of the acts proved the truth of the theory. That theory has been variously stated, its most familiar form being, "In all living forms the basis of all energy is sex-energy."

The goat-glands have certainly done the work for me, but I wish, doctor, you would fix it so that I could complete the sexual act," etc., etc. But this completion of the sexual act is exactly the thing that is to be avoided in the case of these old men. Remember the theory in the last chapter, "All animal energy is sex-energy."

Yet the dread of having to try the feat himself made him admire the manner in which Carson tossed about long creepy-sounding words, like a bush-ape playing with scarlet spiders. He talked insultingly of Yeats and the commutation of sex-energy and Isadora Duncan and the poetry of Carson Haggerty.

Brinkley's theory that ALL ENERGY IS SEX-ENERGY means exactly that the powerful brain equally with the beautiful face owes its strength and vigor exactly to the right functioning of the sex-glands. We must not be accused here of running to extravagance. It is not stated that all human brains are of equal power or can be developed to equal power.

In the face of an unsuccessful operation this work will be blamed, and the theory upon which I work, namely, that the sex-energy is the basis of all human energy, physical and mental, will be given a setback, and scouted as untrue. But I am constantly proving its truth by the results I get, and find its confirmation in the effect of successful goat-gland transplantation in both men and women.

And he put all the facts before the boy, made clear to him the all-determining importance of the issue: "Choose well, your choice is Brief and yet endless!" On the one hand was slavery and degradation and disease; and on the other were all the heights of the human spirit. For if one saved and stored this mighty sex-energy, it became transmuted to the gold of intellectual and emotional power.

The conversion of this sex-energy into other forms of energy, physical and mental, is the aim, and this aim would be frustrated if these old men were given full power to do as they pleased with their new-found youthful vigor. You cannot always trust them. That is the purpose of the ligating of both sides, making the emission of the semen impossible.