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It was that of Briggs, Sir Alexander's clerk, whom I had met in the sale-room. "Mr. Briggs," I said as he passed me, "are you looking for Mr. Somers? If so, he is in here." The clerk jumped into the compartment and handed a letter to Mr. Somers. Then he emerged again and waited. Somers read the letter and tore off a blank sheet from the end of it, on which he hastily wrote some words.

From time to time there were sales by auction of a bookseller's 'copies, but the public that is, the country booksellers, for there were no other likely buyers were excluded from the sale-room. A great monopoly was thus created and maintained by the trade. There was never any examination of title to a bookseller's copy. Every book of repute was supposed to have a bookseller for its owner.

"I will open it as carefully as possible," said Horace, "and whatever it may contain, you may rely upon my letting you know at once." He left shortly afterwards, encouraged by the radiant trust in Sylvia's eyes, and thrilled by the secret pressure of her hand at parting. He had been amply repaid for all the hours he had spent in the close sale-room.

It was in such a sale-room that the remarkable series of events began which were detailed to me not many months ago by the person whom they principally affected, namely, Mr. James Denton, M.A., F.S.A., etc., etc., some time of Trinity Hall, now, or lately, of Rendcomb Manor in the county of Warwick.

I like flowers, especially orchids, and I hate bullion-broking. To me the only decent places in London are that sale-room where we met and the Horticultural Gardens." "Yes," I answered rather doubtfully, "but the matter seems a little serious.

In a word, all that Lord Glenvarloch saw, seemed to have been articles carried off by appraisement or distress, or bought as pennyworths at some obscure broker's, and huddled together in the apartment, as in a sale-room, without regard to taste or congruity.

But I think I have said enough of the public and private accumulations of this country to give an adequate idea of the kind of results that attend research, and of the ways in which large blocks of MSS. have been handed on to us. The epoch of the sale-room I have not really touched; it demands special tools and a special historian, and it concerns individual books.

He kissed her, begged her to put on the plainest dress she could, and they went together to call on Uncle Philip. When they got to his house in Gloucester Place, Portman Square, Rosa's heart began to quake, and she was right glad when the servant said "Not at home." They left their cards and address; and she persuaded Christopher to take her to the sale-room to see the things.

That could be done while the young couple were away honeymooning. Robin must be on the telephone, of course. That was indispensable. And the furniture must be fresh-covered, so much of it as they decided to keep. A deal of it was old-fashioned and had better go to a sale-room. New carpets too. Already the Dowager was making calculations of what it was going to cost the General.

As I appeared unwilling to accept the invitation, he went on: "Perhaps, then, you would repeat what you told me in that sale-room?" "Why should I?" I asked. "I spoke quite clearly and you seemed to understand." "You are right," replied Sir Alexander; "to waste time is useless." He wheeled round on Woodden, who was standing near the door still holding the paper-wrapped plant in front of him.