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"The milk submitted to us for examination on the 10th inst. has been carefully analyzed, and I beg to hand you herewith the result: "Specific gravity 1.036 at 15 degrees Cent. Water 84.60 per cent. Casein 3.49 " " Albumin 56 " " Globulin 1.32 " " Lactose 5.08 " " Ash 72 " " Fat 3.42 " " Ricin 1.19 " " "Ricin is a new and little-known poison derived from the shell of the castor-oil bean.

I have some very important experiments with phosphorescent salts that I want to finish to-day." "What has that to do with the case?" I asked mystified. "Nothing," replied Craig. "I didn't say it had. At eleven-thirty, don't forget. By George, though, that Paoli must be a clever one think of his knowing about ricin. I only heard of it myself recently. Well, here's my car. Good-bye."

Vous sentez combien ces efforts reiteres m'ont fatigue; ces grands efforts m'ont fait partir de la bile par en bas; je vous demanderai, monsieur, si vous ne trouveriez pas a propos que je prisse une medecine d'huile de ricin ou autre, celle que vous jugerez a propos. Je rends beaucoup de vents par en bas. Pour la boisson, je ne bois que de l'eau chaude et de l'eau sucree.

"Ricin is a new and little-known poison derived from the shell of the castor-oil bean. Professor Ehrlich states that one gram of the pure poison will kill 1,500,000 guinea pigs. Ricin was lately isolated by Professor Robert, of Rostock, but is seldom found except in an impure state, though still very deadly. It surpasses strychnine, prussic acid, and other commonly known drugs.

Water............................... 84.60 per cent Casein.............................. 3.49 " " Albumin............................. .56 " " Globulin............................ .32 " " Lactose............................. 5.08 " " Ash................................. .72 " " Fat................................. 3.42 " " Ricin............................... 1.19 " "

What you want is a long lawsuit, during which you can gain over, not the people, they are yours, but the parliament. See, then, monseigneur, here it is. Ranier, first Duc de Lorraine, contemporary with Charlemagne; Guibert, his son; Henri, son of Guibert " "But " said the duke. "A little patience, monseigneur. Bonne " "Yes," said the duke, "daughter of Ricin, second son of Ranier."

Only, there it is crushed, worked into a paste, and rolled into needle-pointed forms which prick the skin. Abrin is composed of two albuminous bodies, one of which resembles snake-venom in all its effects, attacking the heart, making the temperature fall rapidly, and leaving the blood fluid after death. It is a vegetable toxin, quite comparable with ricin from the castor-oil bean."

"The antitoxin to abrin," he replied. "I developed some of it at the same time that I was studying the poison. If an animal that is immune to a toxin is bled and the serum collected, the antitoxin in it may be injected into a healthy animal and render it immune. Ricin and abrin are vegetable protein toxins of enormous potency and exert a narcotic action.

Professor Ehrlich states that one gram of the pure poison will kill 1,500,000 guinea pigs. Ricin was lately isolated by Professor Robert, of Rostock, but is seldom found except in an impure state, though still very deadly. It surpasses strychnin, prussic acid, and other commonly known drugs.

I have some very important experiments with phosphorescent salts that I want to finish to-day." "What has that to do with the case?" I asked, mystified. "Nothing," replied Craig. "I didn't say it had. At eleven-thirty, don't forget. By George, though, that Paoli must be a clever one think of his knowing about ricin. I only heard of it myself recently. Well, here's my car. Good-bye."