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She might have held her peace, thought Tom, for within half-an-hour he was convinced that there was not a person in the House on the Dunes save himself and his excited companion. All he discovered for his pains was that old Mrs. Meath was also among the missing. "Ou est Madame Meath?" "Madame Meath! Que voulez vous?

"You've been a sailor once upon a time, haven't you?" The model looked up quickly. "How did you know that?" he said, frowning. "By a number of little things by this, for instance," replied Müller, kicking his heels against the sea-chest; "by certain words you make use of now and then; by the way you walk; by the way you tie your cravat. Que diable! you look at me as if you took me for a sorcerer!"

Sous l'auréole d'or des galons du képi.... Nous allons préparer aux faucilles des gerbes, Puisqu'où tombe un soldat pousse un nouvel épi." The poet, shortly before he fell, wrote to a friend "Nous travaillerons mieux après la victoire, ce que nous ferons ayant été mûri par la fatigue et les angoisses. La vie est bonne et belle et la guerre est une chose bien amusante."

I don't think I could stand another scene with your wife, and she would be sure to come again to me. 'Try to resume your old existence. You can do it if you try. Remember that your wife is no more to blame than you are, or than I am. Remember that you loved her once. And remember that I act as I am acting because there is no other way for me. C'est plus fort que moi, I am going to Torquay.

Well, I think that everything in the world repeats itself... especially what's in the nature of things... and particularly among young people." "Que voulez-vous dire?" asked Sipiagin, flinging the pamphlet on the table with a graceful gesture of the hand. "Ouvrez les yeux, et vous verrez!" Madame Sipiagina replied. They always spoke to one another in French. "H'm!" Sipiagin grunted.

Probably "José" went to see "Petenera" without first obtaining leave of absence, and was shut up in one of the gloomy guard-rooms of Morro Castle as a punishment. Another wall-writer, in a philosophic, reflective, and rather melancholy mood, says: Tu me sobreviviras. Que vale el ser del hombres Cuando un escrito vale mas! What avails it to be a man, when a scrap of writing is worth more!

Esa adoración no nace en el hombre por el hecho de que la mujer tenga menos derechos o esté privada de ellos, nace de que la mujer es mujer, arquetipo de gracia y belleza de la creación y el hombre quemará siempre el incienso de su admiración ante el ara de esas divinidades.

All this a great genius may do, if he will take the pains to alter, radically, the style he may have formed already. He must stoop to the apprenticeship before he aspires to the mastery. C'est un metier que de faire un livre comme de faire une pendule."

"Gustave Adolphe, suivez en arriere, et gardez bien que le prisonnier n'echappe pas;" so saying, monsieur le capitaine led the way to a large white house and buildings, about two hundred yards from the river's banks.

The eyes of the former travelled first of all to the bed and then to the heap of vegetation. "Qu 'est-ce que c'est que ca?" he demanded. "She is better, eh?" "No, she's worse," answered Michael. He seized upon the leaves and began to bundle them into the steaming basin. "We shouldn't have been gone so long. What's this did ye say, Poleski? Well, 'tis the only thing I can do for her.