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I can hardly imagine anything more unfortunate than that he should become attached to either of your sisters. 'Et pourquoi? asked Charles, coolly. 'I see, said Philip, retreating to his chair, and speaking with great composure, 'I did you injustice by speaking seriously. Then, as his uncle came into the room, he asked some indifferent question, without betraying a shade of annoyance.

Vous n'avez jamais vu personne avoir l'air plus penaud et plus decourage; il ne fit aucun effort pour gagner le combat et fut rudement secoue, de sorte que, regardant Smiley comme pour lui dire: Mon coeur est brise, c'est ta faute; pourquoi m'avoir livre a un chien qui n'a pas de pattes de derriere, puisque c'est par la que je les bats? il s'en alla en clopinant, et se coucha pour mourir.

'Tenez, une danse qui n'est pas permise, said Stanislao: 'je ne sais pas pourquoi, elle est tres jolie, elle va comme ca, and sticking his umbrella upright in the road, he sketched the steps and gestures. All his criticisms of the present, all his regrets for the past, struck me as temperate and sensible.

"Worthie," she admonished, "it's bad business for an army man to turn traitor." "But yes, he does. 'Cause I asked Watts why Pourquoi had more yellow than white, and why N'est-ce-pas was more white 'an yellow, and he said I sure had him there.

She arrived, and walking up in full assembly to the Duchess, with the fire of indignation flashing in her eyes. "Eh! Madame la Duchesse, vous ne voulez pas donc faire ma connaissance en Angleterre?" "Non, Madame, je ne le voulais pas." "Eh! comment, Madame? Pourquoi donc?" "C'est que je vous craignais, Madame." "Vous me craignez, Madame la Duchesse?" "Non, Madame, je ne vous crains plus."

'Madame, pourquoi aimez-vous la salade? Naturally she had not the slightest idea what he meant, and he rejoined triumphantly, 'Parce qu'elle est Madame votre mere. What annoys me beyond measure," continued the Emperor, "is that he goes on telling the anecdote, saying, 'The Emperor told it to me." The Emperor laughed heartily, and I did, too.

Jefferson was about to hand up a ten-franc piece when Shirley indignantly interfered. She would not submit to such an imposition. There was a regular tariff and she would pay that and nothing more. So, in better French than was at Jefferson's command, she exclaimed: "Ten francs? Pourquoi dix francs? I took your cab by the hour. It is exactly two hours. That makes four francs."

Bouteille, ma mie; Pourquoi vous videz-vous? Ah! why indeed? For The Shaving of Shagpat is one of those very rare modern books of which it is certain that they are too short, and even our excitement at the Mastery of the Event is tamed by a sense that the show is closing, and that Shibli Bagarag has been too promptly successful in smiting through the Identical.

Et ni le vin, ni les fruits ne peuvent apaiser mon desir. Que ferai-je, Iokanaan, maintenant? Ni les fleuves ni les grandes eaux, ne pourraient eteindre ma passion. J'etais une Princesse, tu m'as dedaignee. J'etais une vierge, tu m'as defloree. J'etais chaste, tu as rempli mes veines de feu . . . Ah! Ah! pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas regardee, Iokanaan? Si tu m'avais regardee tu m'aurais aimee.

"He left an hour ago for New Orleans. You must have met a gentleman riding very fast." It was my turn to be astonished. "But that was not your father!" I exclaimed. "Et pourquoi non?" she said. "Is not your father the stout gentleman whom I saw with you on the levee last evening?" I asked. She laughed. "You have been observing, Monsieur," she said. "That was my uncle, Monsieur de Beausejour.