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"What a damn fool class for any nation to carry!" Billy commented, mildly. "Ah, well," Susan said, joyfully, "we'll fix them all! And when there are model poorhouses and prisons, and single tax, and labor pensions, and eight-hour days, and free wool THEN we'll come back here and settle down in the woods for ever and ever!"

The legislation against vagabonds, tramps, and sturdy beggars, and their punishment by whipping, branding, etc., are too well known to need comment. But considerable provision was made for the unfortunate and deserving poor poorhouses were built for them, and collections taken up.

It is true that our poorhouses are established at the expense of the public, to which parents who are without means or employment or adequate wages to support their children can go with their children to avoid starvation; but what parents desire to take their children to such institutions?

She took him. His name was Jones. He went bankrupt, and got paralysis, and is living still. Her parents died in different poorhouses." Pemberton looked surprised at this too, and then thoughtful, and then he winked at Stevey Todd, who passed it back. "I got my wife out of the back window of a boarding school, second story," said Pemberton. "She came down the blinds."

I only know that there has been a sort of mighty Savonarola bonfire, in which most of the things once valued have been consumed to ashes politics, religions, systems of philosophy, isms and ologies of all descriptions; schools, churches, prisons, poorhouses; stimulants and tobacco; kings and parliaments; cannon with its hostile roar, and pianos that thundered peacefully; history, the press, vice, political economy, money, and a million things more all consumed like so much worthless hay and stubble.

He had made up his mind that he would not go under any circumstances, but fortune was against him. "Sick-you?" said the doctor, who had served an unholy apprenticeship to his trade in Tralee poorhouses. "You're only home-sick, and what you call varicose veins come from over-eating. A little gentle exercise will cure that."

All you have to do is to keep your eyes open on the streets, and see the drunken men reeling along the sidewalk, and the wrecks of men that hang around the saloons. The poorhouses and the jails and the insane asylums are filled with them. The most terrible thing that can happen to anyone is to become a drunkard.

"If thou meet thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back to him again." The laws for the relief of the poor were kinder and more encouraging to self-help and self-reliance than our modern poorhouses.

As authorities have pointed out in all these books, the jails, hospitals for the insane, poorhouses and houses of prostitution are filled with the children born of such parents, while an astounding number of their children are either stillborn or die in infancy. These facts are now so well known that they would need little discussion here, even if space permitted.

This includes all poorhouses, asylums, hospitals, and other institutions for adults and children who can not take care of themselves.