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The windows were soon blocked with the bearded faces of men who gazed stolidly and commented freely to each other on our appearance. It was like being a wild beast in a cage. But I said: 'Certainly not; let them feast their eyes. So they did, for forty minutes by the clock. Their faces were plain and rough, but not unkindly. The little narrow-set pig-eyes were the most displeasing feature.

And when her friend, the great bell, Bayard, spoke through the resounding sky of France to a million men-at-arms in blue and steel, who were steadily forging hell’s manacles for the uncaged Hun, the loyal western wind carried far beyond the trenches an ominous iron vibration that meant doom for the Beast. And the Beast heard, leering skyward out of pale pig-eyes, but did not comprehend.

One can never tell, never trust anybody what with one thing and another and the Alsatian border so close and those German-Swiss always to be suspected and often impossible to distinguish with their pig-eyes and bushy flat-backed heads from the genuine Boche. ... Would Miss Erith like to have our little dinner served out here in the garden?" Miss Erith was delightfully sure she would.

It appeared that my presence was the ground for a heavy German joke in connection with the youngest of the aborigines. He was a very plump and greasy looking aborigine with a doll-like rosiness of cheek and a scared and bristling pompadour and very small pig-eyes. The other aborigines clapped him on the back and roared: "Ai Fritz! Jetzt brauchst du nicht zu weinen!

One evening at dinner, some time later, Hanlon became aware that the guard, Gorton, was growling at him. He looked up in surprise, and forced himself to pay attention to the big man's words. "I ask ya, whatcha tryin' t' do, punk?" the small pig-eyes glared redly at him, and the voice was harsh and bitter. "Try'n'a show up us other guards? What'sa big idea, gettin' out more ore'n we do?"

They shrugged their shoulders, and blinked their little pig-eyes, and seemed to think that it was just as well as it was, seeing that they themselves had come off better than anybody else.

So it was that he spied Tarzan as the boy emerged from the clawing, pushing throng with that hairy forearm hugged firmly to his body. Tublat's little, close-set, bloodshot, pig-eyes shot wicked gleams of hate as they fell upon the object of his loathing. In them, too, was greed for the toothsome dainty the boy carried.

Very well. We must take you. But you know my father. I am like my father. You will do your share of the work. You will obey. And if you play one dirty trick, it would be better for you if you had never run." McCan looked up at her, his small pig-eyes hating and cringing, while in her eyes, turned to Smoke, the anger melted into luminous softness. "Is it right, what I have said?" she queried.

Some look silly, some sly, while others seem either proud or inquisitive." "How strange!" said Rap. "I never thought about Ducks' faces, except that they all looked foolish, with little pig-eyes and big beaks like shovels. And please, do they chew their food with the teeth you said they had?" "Those are not true teeth, like ours, to chew with.

"Hello, old Nell!" shouted Nick. The woman simpered unhappily. "How's yourself, Mr. Grylls?" she returned. "Fine!" he bellowed from his deep chest. This little manoeuvre in the front seat was merely for the purpose of obtaining a prolonged stare at Natalie. The insolence of the little, swimming, pig-eyes infuriated Garth.