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The herd crashed forward in a stampede, Simpson in the lead on a tired horse, but a scant length ahead of a thousand maddened steers bolting in a panic of thirst and fear. "Hell’s loose!" yelled the men in their blankets, making for the temporary rope corral to secure horses.

And when her friend, the great bell, Bayard, spoke through the resounding sky of France to a million men-at-arms in blue and steel, who were steadily forging hell’s manacles for the uncaged Hun, the loyal western wind carried far beyond the trenches an ominous iron vibration that meant doom for the Beast. And the Beast heard, leering skyward out of pale pig-eyes, but did not comprehend.

Around the iron colossus shrapnel swept in gusts; Clovis thundered on, annihilating all sound except his own tremendous voice, heedless of shell and bullet, disdainful of the hell’s shambles below, where masked French infantry were already leaping the parapets of Nivelle Redoubt into the squirming masses below. The airman shouted at her through the tumult: "They murdered my brother.

Her brother, Charles Sanders, was one of my company. Making our way out to Napoleon and Wellington we got new coats and gloves and also located some of the red sheepskin leggings worn by the Red-leg scouts, with which we made a trip over into what was known asHell’s corneron the Missouri, near Independence. Col.

Wha’s-ever-your-name’s a precautionary measure.” “That’s all right, Papa,” said Case. “But you’ll have to brace up. There’s going to be a marriageMr. Wiltshire here is going to get spliced.” The old man asked to whom. “To Uma,” said Case. “Uma!” cried the captain. “Wha’s he want Uma for? ’s he come here for his health, anyway? Wha’ ’n hell’s he want Uma for?”

Lady Restalrig opened the letter and wrote a postscript ‘Give this to Laird Bower, for I trow that he be ridden to Hell, as he ofttimes said to the Laird that he would do.’ In Letter IV. Logan tells Gowrie that he believes Bower ‘would ride to Hell’s gate to pleasure him.’ Sprot was now asked about two letters.

Yet even so, she contrives to make her personality felt. She begins: “I have seen a place whose name is Eternal Hatred.” Lucifer, farthest removed from the source of Light, forms the foundation-stone, and around him are arranged the deadly sins. Above him are the Christians, then the Jews, and, farthest removed from Hell’s dire depths, the Heathen.

I wish I could have confidence in either.’ ‘Try me, then, Helen: only trust and pardon me this once, and you shall see! Come, I am in hell’s torments till you speak the word.’ I did not speak it, but I put my hand on his shoulder and kissed his forehead, and then burst into tears. He embraced me tenderly; and we have been good friends ever since.

So you see, sir, who it is hell’s for,” said Andrey, whipping up the left horse, “but you’re like a little child ... that’s how we look on you ... and though you’re hasty-tempered, sir, yet God will forgive you for your kind heart.” “And you, do you forgive me, Andrey?” “What should I forgive you for, sir? You’ve never done me any harm.”

These things unmanned him as the sight of the gallows and the rope for his hanging could not have done. Shielding himself with an affected roughness, he asked: "What the hell’s the matter with you? I’ve been drinking like a beast of an Indian, and you give me coffee instead of a tongue-lashing." The color had all gone out of her face.