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"En arrière, mes enfans il fait chaud; retirez-vous un peu." Before Major Heyward would imitate this proof of confidence, he glanced his eyes around the plain, and beheld with uneasiness the numerous dusky groups of savages, who looked out from the margin of the surrounding woods, curious spectators of the interview.

She looked around and her eyes fell upon a bench by the wall. "Could we sit down and have a little talk?" "Pardon, madame, c'est que je suis un peu émue ..." said Jeanne. She led the way to the bench. They sat down together, and for a feminine second or two took stock of each other. Jeanne's first rebellious instinct said: "I was right."

Lady Delacour opened the book, which was a volume of Marmontel's Tales. "La femme comme il y en a peu!" exclaimed Hervey. "Who will ever more have faith in the Sortes Virgilianae?" said Lady Delacour, laughing; but whilst she laughed she went closer to a candle, to read the page which she had opened. Belinda and Clarence Hervey followed her.

The latter were unsnowed, and appeared lower than Kongra Lama, the ground apparently sloping away in that direction; but when I ascended them, three months afterwards, I found they were 3000 feet higher! a proof how utterly fallacious are estimates of height, when formed by the eye alone. My informants called them Peuka-t'hlo; "peu" signifies north in Tibetan, and "t'hlo" a hill in Lepcha.

Now for the moral, intellectual and physical results of the destitution thus evinced. The work entitled Voyage du Duc du Châtelet en Portugal, although usually quoted under this title, was really written by M. Comartin, a royalist of La Vendée, and written during the French Revolution. If it had any bias at all, that bias was all in favor of Portugal, yet this is his description of her people: "Il est, je pense, peu de peuple plus laid que celui de Portugal. Il est petit, basané, mal conformé. L'intérieur répond, en général, assez

The execution of this masterpiece left something to be desired; but the whole betokened a certain spirit and verve, on the part of the sitter, which I found difficulty in attributing to the being before me. "Vous etes uh-ah KEW-MANGZ?" "What?" I said, completely baffled by this extraordinary dissyllable. "Comprenez vous fran-cais?" "Un peu." "Bon.

J'espere lorsque vous viendrez a Paris que je pourrai vous presenter, monsieur, les deux fils de Sigismond et sa petite fille, et vous demander pour les enfants un peu de ce coeur que vous aviez pour le pere. From Lord Brougham Cannes, April 9th. I fear I have but a bad account to give of poor Tocqueville; he has been worse again, and to-day he received the Communion. Dr.

Un peu de saucisson? The curé had been shut up in this village so many years, speaking nothing but Languedocian to his parishioners, even when preaching to them, that his French had become rather difficult to understand.

The French general had a charming daughter, and Rosalie, besides being belle comme le jour, was likewise what her acquaintance called tant soit peu coquette. So she made love to my uncle on every available opportunity, and of course, because he didn't care for her two pins, set her faithless heart upon him, as a woman will.

Emily has left off writing to me; he wrote to me twice pour faire votre eloge, ce qui ne fut fort peu necessaire, and there was an end of his epistolary correspondence. Pray goad that Dean who slumbers in his stall, and make him write. . . . Of Gloucester.