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Here we found the old white-haired man, gay and hospitable, anxious to offer everything he had in the house to the visitor, but only able to think of two things which might be acceptable snuff and sausage. 'Un peu de saucisson? he said to me, with a winning smile after handing me his snuff-box. I assured him I could eat nothing then. '! and so you are really English, monsieur?

I saw the following in the window of a cook-shop: "Saucisson chevaleresque." October 23. The 17th Battalion asked me to be the first subscriber of "one sou" to a fund for purchasing a cannon. They will collect 300,000 sous. This will make 15,000 francs, which will purchase a 24-centimetre gun, carrying 8,500 metres equal to the Krupp guns.

Smith said that "Alf had to go back to his folks in the old country." So, too, when Alf left, the use of the French language, as such, fell off tremendously in the caff. Even now they use it to some extent. You can still get fillet de beef, and saucisson au juice, but Billy the desk clerk has considerable trouble with the spelling. The Rats' Cooler, of course, closed down, or rather Mr.

Un peu de saucisson? The curé had been shut up in this village so many years, speaking nothing but Languedocian to his parishioners, even when preaching to them, that his French had become rather difficult to understand.