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Masters, parsons, and landowners! having, at the risk of all popularity, just given a /coup de patte/ to certain sages extremely the fashion at present, I am not going to let you off without an admonitory flea in the ear.

My heart is not a plank to be walked on." "But the soft touch of a patte de velours will do it no harm." "She offers me no patte de velours; she is all form and reserve with me." "That to begin with; let respect be the foundation, affection the first floor, love the superstructure; Mdlle. Reuter is a skilful architect." "And interest, M. Pelet interest. Will not mademoiselle consider that point?"

'Et vos gargouilles moyen-age, cried I; 'comme elles sont originates! 'N'est-ce pas? Elles sont bien droles! he said, smiling broadly; and the next moment, with a sudden gravity: 'Cependant il y en a une qui a une patte de casse; il faut que je voie cela. I asked if he had any model a point we much discussed.

Tenez, je l'ai vu poser Daniel Webster la sur se plancher, Daniel Webster etait le nom de la grenouille, et lui chanter: Des mouches! Daniel, des mouches! En un clin d'oeil, Daniel avait bondi et saisi une mouche ici sur le comptoir, puis saute de nouveau par terre, ou il restait vraiment a se gratter la tete avec sa patte de derriere, comme s'il n'avait pas eu la moindre idee de sa superiorite.

"Besides, I've not come here for long." "Voila ou l'ours a montre sa patte," she thought in French, but at this moment her husband appeared in the doorway, his hat on his head and a walking stick in his hand. "Are you ready, Vassily Fedosaitch?" he asked in a free and easy tone, half turned towards him. Solomin rose, bowed to Valentina Mihailovna, and walked out behind Sipiagin.

"Viscountess de Percemur, whose nom de plume is 'Patte Blanche." He was surprised and with difficulty restrained a burst of laughter. "Patte Blanche? I fancied her a young woman like you. Is that Patte Blanche? Ah, she is handsome, very handsome!" A servant appeared at the door and announced: "Madame is served." Duroy was placed between the manager's plain daughter, Mlle.

And if it had been the most important document concerning the fate of nations the lady could not have examined it with more enthralled interest and attention than she did this snapshot photograph of a rough terrier dog. "What a sweet fellow!" she said. "Look at his eye! so intelligent; look at that patte! See, even he is asking one to love him and I do I do "

This morning, in the library at Clarendon Park, he looked out of the window at the departing guests, and, as each drove off, he gave to each his coup de patte.

A small stone altar occupies the apsidal end, and here, as in two or three other places, the arms of Montaigne will be noted with interest by those who have read in the essays: 'Je porte d'azur seme de trefles d'or, a une patte de lyon de mesme armee de gueules, mise en face. A man is often a sceptic on the surface and a believer underneath.

When, too, he describes some venerable manuscript, with its rich illuminations, its thick creamy vellum, its glossy ink, and the odour of the cloisters that seemed to exhale from it, he rivals the enthusiasm of a Parisian epicure, expatiating on the merits of a Perigord pie, or a Patté de Strasbourg.