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There was several of them went to Texas one night. Amusements "There weren't many amusements in slave times. They had dances with fiddle music. There was mighty few darkies could get out to go to dances because the pateroles was so bad after them. I don't know of any other amusements the slaves had. They were playing baseball when I was born.

"They had a woman to look after the little colored children, and they had one to look after the white children. My mother was a nurse for the white children. My mother didn't have nothing to do with the colored children. "I didn't never have no trouble with the pateroles. Sometimes they would come down the lane running the horses. When I would hear them, I would run and git under the bed.

It was a smoky log house I had to stay in while they were out in the field and the smoke used to hurt my eyes awful. Ku Klux and Patrollers "I don't remember nothing about the Ku Klux. I heard old folks say they used to have passes to keep the pateroles from bothering them. I remember that they said the pateroles would whip them if they would catch them out without a pass.

She hid the papers and wouldn't let us have 'em took and locked 'em up somewheres where we couldn't find 'em. She was so mean that if she couldn't get no pension, she didn't want nobody else to get none. "I don't know just when I was born, nor how old I am. When I come to remember anything, I was free. But I don't know how old I am, nor when it was. "I heard my father speak of pateroles.

She married after freedom. Her and her husband farmed for a living you know, sharecropped. Ku Klux Klan "The Ku Klux and the pateroles were the same thing, only the Klan was more up to date. It's all set up with a hellish principle. It's old Pharaoh exactly. "The Ku Klux Klan didn't have no particular effect on the Negro except to scare him.

She remembers definitely running at the approach of men she calls pateroles during "slavery time." Her mind may be fading, but it is a long way from gone. She questioned me closely about my reason for getting statements from her. She had to be definitely satisfied before the story could be gotten.

He didn't allow them overseers to whip and slash them niggers. They had to whip them right. Didn't allow no pateroles to bother them neither. That's a lot of help too. 'Cause them pateroles would eat you up. It was awful. Niggers used to run away to keep from bein' beat up. "I knowed one gal that ran away in the winter time and she went up into the hollow of a tree for protection.

Just said that they'd ketch you. He used to scare us by telling us that the pateroles would ketch us. We thought that was something dreadful. "I never heard nothin' about jayhawkers. I heard something about Ku Klux but I don't know what it was. "My father married my mother just after the War. "I been married twice. My first husband got killed on the levee.

They didn't allow them to pick up a piece of paper in slave time for fear they would learn. "My mother remembered the pateroles. She said they used to catch and whip the colored men and women when they would get out. "My mother's old master was the one that told mama she was free. He told her she was free as he was. After they learned that they were free, they stayed on till Christmas.

Finally, my father asked him, 'Now, what are you able to do? The overseer answered. 'Why, I can see all over and whip all over, and that's as much as any damn man can do. "Nobody was allowed to touch my father. He never had no trouble with the pateroles either. Old man Simpson didn't allow that. He was a free agent.