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Spread the fingers with the mixture and place an oyster in the centre of each. Sprinkle with salt and a pinch of paprica. Serve. Garnish with thin slices of lemon and parsley. Dutch Stuffed Potatoes. Select fine smooth potatoes; cut off the end of each and scrape out the inside. Mix this with chopped ham, onion and parsley, and a tablespoonful of butter. Season with salt, pepper and lemon-juice.

Hungarian Stewed Pigeons. Season the pigeons and stuff with chopped chicken. Let stew slowly with chopped onions, chives, celery and parsley; add salt and paprica to taste. Cook until tender. Serve hot with beet salad. Vienna Baked Goose Breast.

Austrian Goulasch. Boil 2 calves' heads in salted water until tender; then cut the meat from the bone. Fry 1 dozen small peeled onions and 3 potatoes, cut into dice pieces; stir in 1 tablespoonful of flour and the sauce in which the meat was cooked. Let boil up, add the sliced meat, 1 teaspoonful of paprica and salt to taste; let all cook together fifteen minutes then serve very hot.

Clean and parboil the sweetbreads; then fry 1 small sliced onion in hot fat until light brown. Stir in 1 tablespoonful of flour; add 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of wine vinegar; let boil up. Add 1 bay-leaf, a few cloves, 1/4 cup of seeded raisins, a few thin slices of lemon and chopped parsley. Season with salt and paprica to taste; add 1 tablespoonful of brown sugar.

Serve with boiled potatoes. Hungarian Duck. Season and roast the duck; then cut into pieces for serving. Chop the giblets; add to the gravy in which the duck was roasted, with 1 glass of red wine, 1/4 teaspoonful of paprica, a pinch of cloves and the juice of a lemon. Let boil; add the sliced duck and let simmer until tender. Serve hot; garnish with fried croutons. Venison a la Parisienne.

Remove the chicken; season the soup to taste with salt and pepper; add some chopped parsley and serve hot with the chicken. Norwegian Soup. Boil a large fish in 2 quarts of water; season with salt and paprica. Add 1 sliced onion, 2 leeks cut fine, 2 sprigs of parsley and 1 bay-leaf. Let cook well; then remove the fish. Add 1 tablespoonful of butter and 1 quart of oysters. Let boil ten minutes.

Don't you remember how interested he was in the King of Paprica," went on Fenn, referring to the incidents told of in the first volume of this series. "He thought the man was crazy, and he said he had been reading up a lot about insanity. I thought then maybe he had had some trouble in his family, and that might account for his not wanting us to seek to solve the mystery of the curious men."

Lay in a well-buttered baking-pan. Let stand half an hour; then bake until a light brown. Brush the top with white of egg beaten with pulverized sugar. Japanese Fish. Clean and season a large white fish with salt and paprica and let boil with 4 sliced shallots and 1 clove of garlic mashed fine.

Now, it is the duty of the King's Counselors to counsel the King at all times of emergency, so I beg you to speak out and advise me what to do with these prisoners." "I demand that they be killed several times, until they are dead!" shouted a pepperbox, hopping around very excitedly. "Compose yourself, Mr. Paprica," advised the King.

Fill the halves with the mixture; sprinkle with bread-crumbs and bits of butter. Put in a baking-dish with a little stock and bake. Norwegian Fish Pudding. Remove the bones from a large cooked fish and chop to a fine mince. Mix with 2 beaten eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls of cream, 1 tablespoonful of butter, season with salt, black pepper and 1/4 teaspoonful of paprica.