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But they cannot be far off; depend upon it, they are hiding somewhere. Por Dios, Sheba has it! Good dog! Hark to Sheba! Forward, forward!" It was true. One of the hounds had hit off the line, then followed another and another, and soon the entire pack was once more in full cry.

Presidente y Caballeros del Senado: Pocas veces me he sentido tan orgulloso de ostentar la representación popular como esta vez que me permite abogar por una causa que no puede ser representada ni defendida en este sitio por la parte a quien directa y particularmente interesa, merced a esa levadura de prejuicios que han dejado en la mente del hombre moderno las creencias e ideas del antiguo.

Don Mariano knew they could not climb the stockade, and he watched them with languid interest. But the corral was evidently their objective point, for they lumbered along right toward it. "Now, look at those infatuated fool bears," said Don Mariano to himself. "They'll get into one of the traps and make a grand row and frighten the devil away, so that I won't get a shot. Por Dios!"

La política, por otro lado, no es siempre una lucha personal; en su sentido propio y elevado es lucha de ideas y principios, de teorías y procedimientos y suponiendo el caso de que un hombre y una mujer se ponen frente a frente en una lucha política no están obligados seguramente a dar un espectáculo de boxeo y de matarse a brazo partido, sino solamente a presentar puntos de vista y opiniones que tienen más o menos fundamento, según sus propios juicios.

By the 1st of July, having swept out of Galicia, their right, under Mackensen, entered the upper valley of the Wieprz, a marshy country which presented considerable difficulty to the advance of troops where a tributary of the Wieprz, the Por, afforded the Russians a natural line of defense.

The daily journal is brought to us by a cavalier, who hands it in without dismounting; even a beggar-man rides up every Saturday to solicit Una limosna por el amor de Dios, and he has a license from the police in the shape of a piece of branded wood suspended round his neck.

Leiasse en la gravedad de su rostro, el peso de la nobleza de su alma, resplandecia enmedio desto por eccelencia una umildad profunda. fue limpissimo, mui onesto i recogido, gran Religioso, i observante de las Leyes.

Nobody inside dared to approach him now he could strike with his hands. "'Por Dios! I heard the sergeant muttering at my elbow, 'I shall shoot him through the head now, and get rid of that trouble. He is a condemned man. "At that I looked at him angrily. 'The general has not confirmed the sentence, I said though I knew well in my heart that these were but vain words.

I.e. when you were so emaciated that your bones made music like a skeleton in the wind. Evidently some version of the tragical conte "de la Chastelaine de Vergi, qui mori por laialment amer son ami." See "Fabliaux et Contes," ed. Barbazan, iv. 296: and cf. Bandello, Pt. iv. Nov. v, and Heptameron, Journee vii. Nouvelle lxx.

I asked his name, and he told me it was Faithful. Chr. O, said Christian, I know him; he is my Townsman, my near Neighbour, he comes from the place where I was born. How far do you think he may be before? Por. He has got by this time below the Hill. Chr.