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Jilt's intuition was intense, and never once in all her life had it failed her, and though to her all Eastern men seemed exactly alike in the moonlight, yet her inner consciousness began to tap ont a message of warning, and the bristles of her self-protection to rise at the threatenings of danger. "Bother!" however, was her only comment as, keeping the star ahead, she walked steadily onward.

"Ici le casque et la science, L'esprit vif, la solidité, La politesse et la sincérité Ont fait une heureuse alliance, Dont le public a profité." The first edition of Rapin's history, consisting of ten volumes, was published at the Hague by Rogessart. The Rev. David Durand added two more volumes to the second edition, principally compiled from the memoranda left by Rapin at his death.

"J'ai tenu a me joindre a ceux qui lui ont rendu les derniers devoirs; et j'ai charge alors votre fils aine et votre beau-frere d'etre mes interpretes aupres de vous. "A des malheurs comme celui qui vient de vous frapper il n'y a pas de consolation possible.

Out of this he now took paper, envelopes, a fountain pen, changed his seat to the edge of the bed, and using the stool for a desk began to write. When he had covered two sheets he folded them over the green slip he had that day received, and slid the whole into an envelope which he addressed: Mr. A.H. Markham, Sec. M.E. Board of Home Missions, 412 Echo St., Toronto, Ont.

There has been a mutiny on board that ship but come on, he'll tell us all about it." In another minute the boat was on the beach, and as Frewen and Cheyne jumped ont they were met by a handsome, dark-faced man about forty years of age, who grasped Cheyne's hands warmly. "I never expected to see you, Randall," he said quietly, "but I thank God that you have come, and at such a time, too.

These, with much banging and shaking, she spread upon the downstairs couch, indicating to the still weeping Depper it was there he was expected to pass the night. "Bor, you may well blubber!" she said to him, with a kind of comfortable scorn of him and his sorrow. "You 'ont ketch me a-dryin' yer tears for ye, and so I tell ye flat. A crule husban' yu ha' been as any woman ever had.

Viollet, Hist. des Institutions politiques et administratives de la France, ii., 74, from a MS. source. See also Viollet, Comment les Femmes ont été exclues en France de la Succession

Vous avez vu le resultat de nos elections, qui ont ete plus heureuses pour la cause generale du parti conservateur que pour ce qui me regarde particulierement.

Why don't you answer, you shamble shanked beggar's baby? Go to the Bursar, and tell him to send supper for six and claret for sixteen; served up to a minute. Do you hear? D my body, I'm glad to see you! We'll make a night ont! What, are you come to enter at our college? 'Yes' 'D my soul, I'm glad ont! D n me, our college will be the go! D n me, we are a rare string already!

[Note: "Ceux qui pieusement sont morts pour la patrie Ont droit qu'