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The pronouns in question are compound rather than simple; i.e. instead of nga = me, and ngi = thee, we have nga-tu and ngi-du. What is the import and explanation of this? I hazard the conjecture that the two forms correspond with the adverbs here and there; so that nga-tu = I here, and ngi-du = thou there, and nu-du = he there. Eyre gives the double form ngai and nga-ppo each = I or me.

This must prepare us for not expecting a greater amount of resemblance between the Australian personal pronouns than really exists. Beginning with the most inconstant of the three pronouns, namely, that of the third person, we find in the Kowrarega the following forms: 3. Singular, masculine : nu-du = he, him. Singular, feminine : na-du = she, her. Dual, common : pale = they two, them two.