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"Dans la Rue des "Vieux Augustin" est l'établissement de M. Delacroix Mécanicien Bandagiste Gymnastique pour redresser les défauts de la nature, particulièrement chez les femmes. On y remarque Le Mât qui est une Colonne en forme de Mât, autour duquel se trouvent des echellons servant

Ce mécanicien habile fait des mains dont les doigts ont les mouvements naturels; et son éstablissement est l'unique en France."

And with every train went a mecanicien and a conducteur created by Jimbo's vivid and believing thought; a Sweep, a Lamplighter, and a Head Gardener went, too, for the children's thinking multiplied these, too, according to their needs.

At the same moment she took his heart and hid it deep away among her tumbling hair. 'I was coming to that. They're brown now, of course, because in this different atmosphere brown eyes see better than blue in the dark. The colours of signals vary in different countries. 'And I'm the mecanicien, cried Jimbo. 'I drive the engine.

At Narbonne I took up my abode at the house of a serrurier mécanicien, and was very thankful for the accommodation. It was my misfortune to arrive at this ancient city late at night, on the eve of market-day; and market-day at Narbonne is a very serious affair. The inns, on this occasion, are stuffed with wine-dealers; for the country round about, dedicated almost exclusively to Bacchus, has hitherto escaped the phylloxera. This deadly enemy of the grape is encamped over the Midi in a hundred places; blighted vineyards and ruined proprietors being quite the order of the day. The signs of distress are more frequent as you advance into Provence, many of the vines being laid under water in the hope of washing the plague away. There are healthy regions still, however, and the vintners find plenty to do at Narbonne. The traffic in wine appeared to be the sole thought of the Narbonnais; every one I spoke to had something to say about the harvest of gold that bloomed under its influence. "C'est inoui, monsieur, l'argent qu'il y a dans ce pays. Des gens

But when he said at once, 'Mecanicien, monsieur, I nearly jumped out of the saddle with excitement. The launch had been lying disabled and idle in the creek for three weeks. My duty to the company was clear. He noticed my start, too, and there we were for a minute or so staring at each other as if bewitched. "'Get up on my horse behind me, I told him. 'You shall put my steam-launch to rights."

But I had in a measure engaged to proceed to Narborme, and there was a certain magic that name which gave me strength, Narbonne, the richest city in Roman Gaul. At Narbonne I took up my abode at the house of a serrurier mecanicien, and was very thankful for the accommodation.

I had a disguise; if I bore any superior earmarks my leather coat obliterated them; and I could drive; even Dario Resta could not have sniffed at my technic. Better still, my French, learned even before my English, would not betray me. As nurse and as mecanicien, we stood a fair chance in our masquerade. I might have to pay my shot, but I was enjoying it.

He might be seen any day after school standing in the field beside the station, waiting for them to pass; mecanicien and conducteur were the commonest words in his whole vocabulary. When possible he passed the time of day with both of these important personages, or from the field he waved his hand and took his cap off.

Czerny, he go down into the rock and he discover great cavern and little cavern, and he say, 'I live here in the sleep-time. Plenty of money make fine house. He shut out the sea wherever he would come in; he build great windows in the rock; his mécanicien, he put up engine and draw air from the skies. Long year Czerny live here alone.