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I wish that I might have a gymnastique, trapeze, what-you-call it, in that long gallery; it would be heaven." The Contessa uttered an easy exclamation meaning nothing, which translated into English would have been a terrible oath. "Do not do it, in the name of they will be shocked, oh, beyond everything."

The Tirailleurs were so trained, however, that they could move, with all their accoutrements, in ranks, without noise and without confusion, at a cadenced and measured running step termed the pas gymnastique, or gymnastic step, and they could use it even during complicated field-manoeuvres.

Then catching sight of Lady Randolph at a little distance, she made a dart towards her on her partner's arm. "I am telling Lord Montjoie of my partner at the Hall," she said. "Ah, Milady, let him come and look! How he would clap his hands to see the lights and the flowers. But we could not have our gymnastique with all the people here."

"And about a dozen cousins, I suppose, all of whom would be delighted to murder me if they could. Now, give that gentleman your dagger, and march, au pas gymnastique."

"Dans la Rue des "Vieux Augustin" est l'établissement de M. Delacroix Mécanicien Bandagiste Gymnastique pour redresser les défauts de la nature, particulièrement chez les femmes. On y remarque Le Mât qui est une Colonne en forme de Mât, autour duquel se trouvent des echellons servant

With a very ill grace, Giuseppe Griscelli did as he was bid, and then, rising to his feet, he marched, not, however, at the pas gymnastique, but slowly and deliberately; and as he reached a bend in the path a few yards farther on, he turned round and cast at Mr. Fortescue the most diabolically ferocious glance I ever saw on a human countenance. "You believe now, I hope," said Mr.