United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

These figures, while not totally representative or complete, do indicate a general trend, which is that when newspapers add on-line services to their activities, jobs are created." However it is difficult to admit that the information society would generate jobs, and it is already stated worldwide that multimedia convergence leads to massive loss of jobs.

According to Wilfred Kiboro, who noticed in his company a drop in the newspapers' price thanks to multimedia convergence, distribution costs could drop with the use of a printing system by satellite which could do away with the need for transporting newspapers by truck throughout the country.

Nevertheless, multimedia convergence in particular and the globalization of the economy in general has put the developing countries in a position of inferiority because the printing and radio-television broadcasting means are in the hands of a few main western groups. Cultural problems exist alongside economic problems.

This is already true in an experimental way for a few thousands documents, but has to be progressively widened to all catalogs. Print Media and the Internet / 9.2. Intellectual Property / 9.3. Multimedia Convergence / 9.4. Print Media and the Internet As shown all throughout this study, the Internet is opening new perspectives in all the sectors of the print media.

On the other hand, the situation was getting worse for the poorest countries. During the ILO Symposium on Multimedia Convergence held in January 1997, Wilfred Kiboro, Managing Director and Chief Executive of Nation Printers and Publishers Ltd., Kenya, stated: "Information technology needs to be brought to affordable levels.

A few big groups controlled not only the bulk of the print media, but a wide range of other media, and thus posed a threat to pluralism in expression. Various tax advantages enjoyed by the press today should be re-examined and adapted to the new realities facing the press and multimedia enterprises.

Services like Gopher on the Internet can lead you in the right direction, and within a document, searching is a snap. Just type in what you want and before you could find the index in a paper document, you'll have found what you want. There are also many companies attempting to capitalize on the multimedia possibilities of electronic publishing.

It is distributed at no charge on the Internet and other computer networks to 8,000 persons in 60 countries. The journal publishes papers on topics such as digital libraries, document delivery systems, electronic publishing, expert systems, hypermedia and multimedia systems, locally mounted databases, network-based information resources and tools, and on-line catalogs.

I haven't yet used a digital book, and I think I might prefer one because of ease of search, because of color, because of sound, etc. Obviously, multimedia 'books' can be easily downloaded from the Web, and such books probably will dominate publishing in the future. Not yet though." ML: "What did the Internet bring to your professional and personal life?"

During the ILO Symposium on Multimedia Convergence held in January 1997, Bernie Lunzer, Secretary-Treasurer of the Newspaper Guild, United States, stated: "Our reporters have seen new deadline pressures build as the material is used throughout the day, not just at the end of the day. There is also a huge safety problem in the newsrooms themselves due to repetitive strain injuries.