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Fifteen years later, in 2002, 1.44 M is the standard disk and ZIP is the standard compression. The practical file size is about 3 million characters, more than long enough for the average book. The digitized ASCII version of a 300-page novel is 1 M. A bulky book can fit in two ASCII files, that can be downloaded as is or in ZIP format. A few numbers are reserved for "special" books.

Once downloaded to your phone, the service gives instant access to works from Project Gutenberg. As a volunteer, the wisest thing to do is to choose a book published before 1923. The pages should be sent as scans to be uploaded on the website. For people who cannot create scans, it is possible to send photocopies by postal mail.

In late 1999, the "Top 20" the 20 most downloaded authors included Jules Verne at 11 and Emile Zola at 16. They still have a very good ranking in the present "Top 100". As a side remark, the first "images" ever made available by Project Gutenberg were French Cave Paintings, posted in April 1995, with an XHTML version posted in November 2000.

For example, the "Light Literature" section is intended for pre-schoolers as well as their grandparents. They can be easily downloaded with a standard phone line. Searching a word or a phrase is simple too. In 1997, the "output" was still an average of 32 books per month. From 1998 to 2000, there was a steadfast average of 36 new books per month. In May 1999, there were 2,000 books.

In late 1999, the "Top 20" the 20 most downloaded authors included Jules Verne at 11 and Emile Zola at 16. They still have a very good ranking in the present "Top 100". As a side remark, the first "images" ever made available by Project Gutenberg were French Cave Paintings, posted in April 1995, with an XHTML version posted in November 2000.

May 6, 2007: 89,841 files downloaded in the day; 697,818 files downloaded in the week; 2,995,436 files downloaded in the month. May 8, 2008: 115,138 files downloaded in the day; 714,323 files downloaded in the week; 3,055,327 files downloaded in the month. Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ Project Gutenberg / Catalog: http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/

A pioneer site in a number of ways, Project Gutenberg was the first information provider on the internet and is the oldest digital library. When the internet became popular, in the mid-1990s, the project got a boost and an international dimension. With 55 languages and 40 mirror sites around the world, books are being downloaded by the tens of thousands every day.

I haven't yet used a digital book, and I think I might prefer one because of ease of search, because of color, because of sound, etc. Obviously, multimedia 'books' can be easily downloaded from the Web, and such books probably will dominate publishing in the future. Not yet though." ML: "What did the Internet bring to your professional and personal life?"

It had 5,000 books online in April 2002, 10,000 books in October 2003, 15,000 books in January 2005, 20,000 books in December 2006 and 25,000 books in April 2008, with 340 new books available per month, 40 mirror sites in a number of countries, books downloaded by the tens of thousands every day, and tens of thousands of volunteers in various teams.

Fifteen years later, in 2002, 1.44 M is the standard disk and ZIP is the standard compression. The practical file size is about 3 million characters, more than long enough for the average book. The digitized ASCII version of a 300-page novel is 1 M. A bulky book can fit in two ASCII files, that can be downloaded as is or in ZIP format. A few numbers are reserved for "special" books.