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We feel Simone's charm mostly in single heads and detached figures, some of which at Assisi have incomparable sweetness. "Molles Senae," the delicate and femininely variable, fond of all things brilliant, and unstable through defect of sternness, was the fit mother of this ingenious and delightful master.

Here, too, she had sat on Sunday after Sunday for more than twenty years, and stared at the quaint Latin inscriptions cut on marble slabs, recording the almost superhuman virtues of departed de la Molles of the eighteenth century, her own immediate ancestors. The place was familiar to her whole life; she had scarcely a recollection with which it was not in some way connected.

Look at those eyes, Montaigne!" The answer came in a dry, precise voice: "Eyes are the windows of the soul; but Quid tibi praecipiam molles vitare fenestras? and you are courtier enough, De Brantôme, to appreciate Fontanus' warning." "I am courtier enough, my philosopher, to know that the crescent moon, for instance, is out of my reach, not like that orange mask there."

And so to him, too, farewell. Perchance he will find himself better placed in the Valhalla of his forefathers, surrounded by those stout old de la Molles whose memory he regarded with so much affection, than here in this thin-blooded Victorian era.

Long may they live, and for very long may their children's children of the race, if not of the name of de la Molle, pass in and out through the old Norman gateway and by the sturdy Norman towers. The Boisseys, who built them, here had their habitation for six generations. The de la Molles who wedded the heiress of the Boisseys lived here for thirteen generations.

Everybody knows all about the night's accessories 'ses odeurs, ses voix, ses voluptés molles'; and what a relief it is to be spared, for once in a way, an elaborate expatiation upon them! And Beyle is perpetually evoking the gratitude of his readers in this way. 'Comme il insiste peu! as M. Gide exclaims. Perhaps the best test of a man's intelligence is his capacity for making a summary.

He knew they still slept, as no voice had yet issued from the grove of molles. The mule and horse were heard cropping the grass, and the llamas were now feeding upon an open spot, the first they had eaten since their halt, as these creatures do not browse in the night. Guapo descended with fear in his heart. How it would have joyed him to hear the voice of his master, or of any of them! But, no.

His son it was who built this present house, and he is our direct ancestor, for though my father talks of them as though they were it is a little weakness of his the old de la Molles are not our direct male ancestors." "Well," said Harold, "and did Dofferleigh find the treasure?" "No, ah, no, nor anybody else; the treasure has vanished.

He died at Arezzo in 1410, aged 92, according to some computations. South wall of the Campo Santo, on the left-hand of the entrance. In the Sala di Balia of the public palace at Siena. See Inferno, xxix. 121; the sonnets on the months by Cene dalla Chitarra, Poeti del Primo Secolo, vol. ii. pp. 196-207; the epithet "Molles Senae," given by Beccadelli; and the remarks of De Comines.

There, upon the porch, were carved the "hawks" of the de la Molles, wreathed round with palms of victory; and there, too, within the chancel, hung the warrior's helmet and his dinted shield. Nor was he alone, for all around lay the dust of his kindred, come after the toil and struggle of their stormy lives to rest within the walls of that old church.