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We flew over the smooth klinker road at such a rate that, had it been England, a policeman would have sprung from every bush. Nobody seemed to mind here, however; and the few horses we met had the air of turning up their noses at us, despite the physical difficulty in evoking that expression on an equine profile. The country grew prettier.

'The reason why music has in all ages been called in to aid in evoking the spirits, the reason why it is as potent now as ever it was in aiding the spirits to manifest themselves, is simple enough: the rhythmic vibrations of music set in active motion the magnetic waves through whose means alone the two worlds, spiritual and material, can hold communication.

"You needn't tell a stranger what mother said," and I put my finger on her lips. "Thee's no more of a stranger than Emily Warren," said the little girl reproachfully. "I can't think of thee without thinking of her." I raised my eyes in a quick flash toward the young lady, but she had turned to the piano, and her right hand was evoking a few low chords.

All this national success and example of liberal government have had a salutary influence upon the rest of the world in evoking wholesome competition and emulation.

Those vital conditions, as regards the minutest bit of protoplasm, science, with all her tremendous resources, has not yet been able to produce. The raising of Lazarus from the dead seems no more a miracle than evoking vital conditions in dead matter. External and internal vital conditions are no doubt inseparably correlated, and when we can produce them we shall have life.

She had to summon up her courage, walking about her bedroom, pressing her hands together, evoking the memory of her magnificent iron-souled brother, who would, she knew, despise such tremors. If only she could have discovered some remedy! But sentiment, attempted tyranny, anger, contempt, at all these things they laughed. She could not touch them anywhere.

"Better let me take that," he suggested, and they changed seats. "Out to the Home Farm," directed Sharon. "You ain't altered a mite," he went on. "Little more peaked, mebbe kind of more mature or judgmatical or whatever you call it. Well, go on tell about the war." But there proved to be little to tell, and Sharon gradually wearied from the effort of evoking this little.

There was one part of the country, however, where Lloyd George's appeal did not succeed in evoking British patriotism; it left the greater part of the people of Ireland not only apathetic but even more actively hostile than before. Yet their country formed an intrinsic part of these islands; their economic interests had much more to gain by the success of Britain than of Germany.

But one who sits brooding upon a pair of facts for years, with the imperturbable gravity of creation upon chaos, will be as successful in evoking the concrete from the abstract.

We must take some cognizance, in special, of writers like Smollett and Sterne and Goldsmith potent names, evoking some of the pleasantest memories open to one who browses in the rich meadow lands of English literature. The popularity of Richardson and Fielding showed itself in a hearty public welcome: and also in that sincerest form of flattery, imitation.