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Disraeli says that the so-called Pearl Bible had six thousand errata! The works of Picus of Mirandula, Strasburg, 1507, gave a list of errata covering fifteen folio pages, and a worse case is that of "Missae ac Missalis Anatomia" , a volume of one hundred and seventy-two pages, fifteen of which are devoted to the errata.

Its necropolis has lately enriched the new Gregorian museum with some of its most precious treasures, consisting in gold ornaments of the person, in silver and painted vases etc. of very ancient and admirable execution. See Nibby, Analisi storico-topografica etc. as also Grifi. M. lib. Missae T. 2. dis. 1. Also Renaudot. X, c. 5.

The first sentence of the Ritus servandus in celebratione Missae in the Missal contains the clause "saltem Malutino cum Laudibus absoluto," The word saltem indicates that the Church notifies the minimum and expects a further hour, Prime or even others of the small hours, to be finished before Mass. It is entitled "A Neglected Adverb"; the adverb being saltem, from the clause quoted.

The author of the Missae felt so deeply aggrieved by this array of blunders that he made a public explanation to the effect that the devil himself stole the manuscript, tampered with it, and then actually compelled the printer to misread it. I am not sure that this ingenious explanation did not give origin to the term of "printer's devil."