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"Waiting for somebody?" inquired the representative of the Gillingwater burner, a twinkle in his eye. To avoid the risk of complications Gammon avowed that he was looking out for Miss Sparkes, with whom he wanted a word on private business. "First rate!" exclaimed Mr. Nibby. "She's coming along with Miss Waghorn and me to my brother's at 'Endon the "Blue Anchor"; do you know it?

"We did a much better one for her," she said, "only she wouldn't send it. I liked it best of all." "What was it?" asked Hugh, and learnt that the "rejected address" was "Won't it be nibby? Yours truly, Miss Bibby."

Gammon threw himself with mirthful ardour into a competition which might prove so lucrative. Mr. Greenacre gave part of his supple mind to this new branch of detective energy. The newly-wedded pair, Mr. and Mrs. Nibby, ceased from the wrangling that follows upon a honeymoon, and incited each other to a more profitable contest.

Nibby, Canina, Ampère, Bunsen, Plattner, and Uhrlich, in their magnificent works have supplied a mine of wealth from which most subsequent writers on the Forum have enriched their descriptions. The direction of the Forum is nearly from north to south, trending a little from north-east to south-west.

At the moment the bus was drawing slowly near to a popular wine-shop. Mr. Nibby whispered to Miss Waghorn, who dropped her eyes and looked demure; whereupon he addressed Gammon. "What do you say to a glass of dry sherry, sir?" "Right you are, sir!" So the omnibus was stopped to allow Miss Waghorn to alight, and all three turned into the wine-shop.

"Well, it was, sir, but it's been fancy leather goods lately, and now it's going to be something else. You are the Gillingwater burners, I believe, sir?" Mr. Nibby betrayed surprise. "And may I ask you how you know that?" "Oh, I've a good memory for faces. I travelled with you on the Underground not very long ago, and saw the name on some samples you had."

None the less, Gammon was walking about near her lodgings at ten o'clock on Sunday morning. It seemed to him that he once or twice perceived a face at an upper window, but at a quarter past the hour Miss Sparkes had not come forth. He was on the point of going boldly to the door when a recognizable figure approached that of Mr. Nibby. The men hailed each other.

Jan. 27. i coodent go out of the yard this afternoon becaus i dident put ashes on the front steps before father fell down and so Pewt and Beany and Whacker and Nibby Hartwell and Diddly Colket and Nipper and Prisilla and Gim Wingit and lots of the fellers came over and we had a snowball fite. mother says she hops father wont keep me at home anuther afternoon.

She jawed me and said she wood tell father. when father came home she told on me and father sent me to bed at six o'clock. You jest wait Cele and you will find out. Aug. 3, 186- brite and fair. the fellers played a pretty mean trick on me tonite. they played it on Nibby Hartwel last nite.

All the time she was thinking that this sum of money would furnish a house in a style vastly superior to that of Mrs. Nibby's. Mrs. Nibby would go black in the face with envy, hatred, and malice. As she reflected Christopher talked, drawing her to the least-frequented part of the huge roaring railway station. "Will you, Polly? Why don't you speak? Do, Polly, do!"