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La Bruyère, in the darkness of his pessimism, sometimes suggests Swift, especially in his sarcastically serious treatment of detail; but he was without the virulent bitterness of the great Dean. In fact his indictment owes much of its impressiveness to the sobriety with which it is presented. There is no rage, no strain, no over-emphasis; one feels as one reads that this is an impartial judge. And, more than that, one feels that the judge is not only a judge, but also a human being. It is the human quality in La Bruyère's mind which gives his book its rare flavour, so that one seems to hear, in these printed words, across the lapse of centuries, the voice of a friend. At times he forgets his gloom and his misanthropy, and speaks with a strange depth of feeling on friendship or on love. 'Un beau visage, he murmurs, 'est le plus beau de tous les spectacles, et l'harmonie la plus douce est le son de voix de celle que l'on aime. And then 'Être avec les gens qu'on aime, cela suffit; rever, leur parler, ne leur parler point, penser

Chapter iii. 16. Comme le soin de la ciuilité la plus raffinée ne doit pas beaucoup trauailler les esprits des Artisants & de la lie du peuple enuers les Grands & les Magistrats; aussi est-il raisonnable qu'ils ayent soin de leur rendre de l'honneur: de mesme il est

Though the ancient poet in Plutarch tells us "Point ne se faut couroucer aux affaires, Il ne leur chault de toutes nos choleres." But we can never enough decry the disorderly sallies of our minds.

En tirant plus encore au nord-est, on reconnoît les Jorasses que nous avons vues du haut du Taléfre, § 637, elles paroissent d'ici, après le Mont-Blanc et ses escaliers, les sommités les plus élevées de toute cette chaîne, et elles semblent résulter de l'assemblage de plusieurs suites de feuillets pyramidaux convergents vers leur sommet.

But artists are the most unprincipled folk unhung. Ils prennent leur bien la, ou ils le trouvent." "Oh, no," said the Duchessa, "I think she was fair game. One can carry delicacy too far. He was entitled to the benefits of his discovery for, after all, it was a discovery, was n't it?

It was well done, and not difficult to do. He had but to utter the horror that was in him. "O, Kit!" came the Parson's resentful bellow. "I'm afraid!" screamed the lad. "I can't help it. O-o-o-h!" He ran with huddled head, clutching at the boy before him. "Attrapez ces gaillards! Ne tirez pas!" shouted the Gentleman. "Un deux d'entre vous leur coupent le chemin! Les autres, par ici!"

He thought that "l'envie leur en passerait;" and not being in a very good humor, he declined appearing. The uproar went on, the overture to the farce was inaudible, and the curtain drew up amid the deafening shouts of "Kemble! Kemble!" they would not suffer the poor farçeurs to go on, even in dumb show.

Cet homme eut beaucoup soin de moi; ce qui ne leur est point ordinaire vis-

The last sighs of Cadieux seemed to expire on her lips: "'Rossignole, va dire a ma maitresse, A mes enfans, qu'un adieu je leur laisse, Que j'ai garde mon amour et ma foi, Et desormais faut renoncer a moi." A few more friends of the family dropped in Coulon de Villiers, Claude Beauharnais, La Corne St. Luc, and others, who had heard of the lady's departure and came to bid her adieu.

Il est juste que ceux qui sont en estat secourent le public." Memoire du Roy, 1693. "Les habitans de la colonie ne contribuent en rien a tout ce que Sa Majeste fait pour leur conservation, pendant que ses sujets du Royaume donnent tout ce qu'ils ont pour son service."